Time to Get Involved in Investing in Ourselves and Those We Care About
Charles Wolfe
CEO at Charles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC Results Driven Firm based on an Emotionally Intelligent Approach to Leadership
At the end of this short article I ask if you would like to join with me in a free video chat to help you to learn how the Emotion Roadmap can be helpful to you in these difficult times.
As we deal with uncertainty and fear many are also feeling ranges of emotions that go from overwhelmed to underwhelmed, depressed to hopeful, angry to accepting, and so forth. One thought that relates to all that is happening is how to use the Emotion Roadmap to move you to the feelings that you want and need in these challenging times.
For those new to the Emotion Roadmap, essentially it is a process for managing our own emotions and influencing the emotions of others. To use the process successfully you start by thinking about the context of how you are feeling and what is driving those feelings. If the feelings you are experiencing are helpful and productive you may do nothing or you may actively plan how to maintain these productive, useful feelings. For many today the feelings we are experiencing are not helpful and are counterproductive to our health. To be clear, with a virus that is life threatening and not under control, fear is a very appropriate response. However, what else we might be feeling such as anger, depression, and so forth may not be helpful and in fact be counterproductive. There is evidence that worrying excessively can undermine our immune systems.
To counter negative, unhelpful feelings I suggest using technology to find ways to stay connected to those that lift us up, keep us going, make us happy. For example one of our daughters has initiated a Facebook chat around dinner time for all our family members to participate in with each other. I have also initiated an online chess game with my grandson while we also are having a video chat so we can see each other as we play. I have also taken the time to watch two free webinars in the last few days that have been very informative. The name of my public radio show is "The Emotion Roadmap: Take the Wheel and Control How You Feel."
What are you doing to "Take the Wheel and Control How You are Feeling?" Do you have ideas to share? Would you like to participate in a free presentation I do online to talk about how to use the Emotion Roadmap to get through this period of time?
Whether it is with me, or with some others who offer free services to help people to learn through interactive involvement, it is important to take the time to invest in yourselves in order to help you, and to help those you care about. If enough people are interested I will sponsor a free video conference where I will present the Emotion Roadmap for 15 minutes and then open it up to discussion to hear what people might like some help with. Let me know if you have an interest in participating by contacting me at [email protected]
If you are able to invest in yourselves financially you can join me for a webinar in May that you can learn more about at https://www.emotionalintelligenceseminars.com/agenda.asp