Time to Get a Better Return on You
Chris Williams
* Sales Expert * Business Strategist * Lead Generation * Marketing Tools * Leadership Consultant * International Speaker *
November can be a tricky month.
Your year isn’t over.?You’ve still got about six weeks to go to meet or exceed your 2022 goal.
But November often feels like the year is done.?Veteran’s Day; Thanksgiving; followed by shopping; followed by Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza; followed by Boxing Day; and quickly followed by returning gifts.
All your time seems to be allocated to the max. And before you know it, the year will be over.
Here’s one thing that can enable you to reach out to close a few more sales without adding more time to your crazy, filled calendar.
Eliminate all the office housework you’ve accumulated!
It’s keeping you poor!!
A recent study found volunteering, saying “yes” to thankless stuff, is a “woman thing.”?Women volunteer for unrewarding tasks and are asked to take them on more than men.
It happens as much in business as in our personal lives.
You may have started the volunteer or “recruit” habit when you were working for someone else. And here’s the kicker…you kept it up as a solopreneur – maybe out of necessity. But now that you are a successful business owner with a team, it’s time to stop doing the housework!
Office housework = non-revenue-generating work
You’re taking on low risk and low reward tasks, and the odds are high you’re about to do it again.?Like, maybe even today.
We know saying “no” can be difficult.
Changing a long-standing habit takes time.
Start small.
How much office housework rests on your “To Do List?”
Identify just one thing. Or maybe two or three if you’re feeling brave.
Then follow the 3-D approach: Delay, Delegate, or Delete each item you are shifting off your plate.
Calculate the time you would have spent on this housework. Then take that time and allocate it to reaching out to that prospect who’s “this close” to saying yes.
Same amount of time in your business.?With some junk off your plate.?Replaced by revenue-producing work.
Reaching that goal looks more and more possible, right?
What a great incentive to create a new habit for the New Year.
When you feel bogged down or over-committed, take the 3-D approach to clearing out the housework. Better yet, employ the 3-D approach before adding tasks to your list.
Say goodbye to housework. You’ll be surprised by what a difference it makes.
Your company will get a better return on your time and energy.