Time Freedom, Value It!
Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat – is This All There is?
Society has become a fast-paced, difficult place to live, never mind to actually thrive in.
For the majority of people, excessive work hours have become the necessity in order to meet basic financial obligations – with many not even being able to meet those obligations. Every day seems to be a struggle just to get by. This type of life leaves little time for enjoyment – no time for family, or to pursue passions.
But is it Ever Enough?
Even changes to traditional household budgeting reflect this go-go-go way of living; budget items that used to be considered essential categories have now gone by the wayside being deemed as luxury, or even extravagant.
When did savings, emergency funds, family vacations, cards and gifts – all once important items to contribute to on a weekly or monthly basis, become redundant?
Now, factor in the debt that is incurred just to maintain a humble life; like a mortgage and a car payment, and the stress level for many today is off-the-charts.
Everyone Wants More – But How?
The natural solution is to look into ways to raise money. Whether to pay down debt and live more comfortably, or perhaps even to have the freedom to pursue other interests. Quality time with the family, hobbies or sports; the reasons for needing more money are limitless.
I am a firm believer that if a person wants more time freedom then they should do things that assist them in having more time freedom. Because time is a person’s most precious resource, and one that cannot be replenished, it is essential to make the most of it in order to have more of it. And, the most efficient way to do that is to have a residual income. Of the three ways to generate income, there is an obvious winner:
- Work – Work is the hardest option because it takes up a good majority of a person’s time, and as he reminds his audience, time is ever limited.
- Investments – Investments can be a daunting prospect for even those that have experience, so this option involves a lot of risk for an uncertain reward.
- Residual – Residual income means that a person does the work one time and gets paid repeatedly.
For those not familiar with the concept of crowdfunding, it is a practice of generating modest amounts of money from a large number of people, commonly through the internet. There are many platforms to be found on the web, but none as innovative as coopcrowd.com, the world’s first cooperative crowdfunding system.
Whether looking to raise funds for personal reasons, charitable or as business venture, it is possible to do so for only one dollar per day. Discover exactly how the concept of time freedom can assist in helping individuals to step back from the fast pace of today’s society, and create a world that is not only easy to live in, but one that can be thrived in as well.