No Time For Fooling
LinkedIn is not Facebook. Perhaps you have heard that. Well, my Facebook connections are more serious than the so called professionals who announce they are no longer going to post.
Don't make an April Fool's joke that people really want. Also: if you are going to leave the site there is no need to announce it. Just go. Make like Daniel Kaluuya and GET OUT. Today above all others stay out of the News Feed. There will be many lies referred to as jokes.
Don't be surprised if I disconnect with someone today. Only I brag about who I remove. Don't waste my time. I'll try to make your time worthwhile. Today begins the second quarter of the year. They all go fast.
"Oh, wow- can you believe it is already April"? Yes I can. In thirty days it will be May. Right now: what are you doing? Hit the ground running. In this second quarter you need to make like Patrick Mahomes.
For those old enough to remember when the Houston Texans were a playoff team; they took an early, seemingly insurmountable lead on Kansas City. There are no forfeits in the NFL nor a Mercy Rule. That means the entire game has to be played.
As it was played; every time Patrick Mahomes touched the ball it ended up in the end zone. The first quarter ended with Houston leading 21-0. By halftime Kansas City led 28-24 en route to a 51-31 victory.
That isn't the only time it happened. The San Francisco Forty-Niners were celebrating when they scored a touchdown with ten minutes left in the Super Bowl. Don't count your chickens before they hatch: Kansas City won that game, too.
What success can you achieve by June 30? I cannot answer that. Thinking about that is better than duping others into thinking you are going to finish your degree. I received an invite to join Suisse Bank. I looked it over and somehow I was chosen. Probably for good credit.
I'm doing well. Not Swiss Bank Account well. There is a fee of three thousand Euros to open the account. Isn't that close to four thousand USD? Becoming an "Approved client" is more prestigious than calling myself a "Thought Leader."
At least they approached me. Right now I am not moving my accounts offshore. It is more real to me than Bitcoin or NFT's. The deal breaker with NFT's is not the perceived value. No, they charge an exorbitant amount for the likeness of an ugly ape. Couldn't I listen to The Gorillaz?
Wasn't really into them. Recognized Jamie Hewlett's art and NFT's look like bad version of that. I have no desire to visit the Metaverse. I certainly wouldn't buy a house there. This is why the Suisse Bank solicitation seems more real to me.
Move forward. I could attempt to open an account. Regardless of that, there is work to do. I should devote time to that instead of posting that I am in a relationship or received a raise. Why would I joke about something I would actually want? That is why April Fool's Day is best disregarded.