Is It Time to Focus?
Yesterday in Colorado the temperatures were in the mid to high 90's.?Today and Saturday, the highs might reach 60.?That's a big difference.?It's also very typical for Colorado weather around this time of the year… actually, in Colorado it is typical to have significant temperature swings at any time of the year. ??The reason I'm talking about this is because the seasons are about to change.?Most of our summer vacations are now memories, kids are back in school, and we are getting ready to switch into Q4 or prep for FY23. ??Now is the time to buckle-up, focus, and finish 2022 strong.
In a couple of weeks, we will have 100 days left in the year, we'll begin Q4, and soon we'll be down to 90 days.?So, what can you complete in 90 days??What do you have left on your personal development goals list?
Maybe you wanted to get a certification done.?Maybe you wanted to start a blog.?Maybe you wanted to have a promotion or a new job.
Re-evaluate your goals.?Pick a deadline.?Write the goal down.?If you don't write it down… it's only a dream.?
Now, break down the goal into steps.?Then take each step and break those down into smaller steps.?
Are the steps small enough to set up a process goal of completing one step each day?
For a certification goal, break down the study time into categories. ?Review the timeline and determine how much information is in each category.?Block time on your calendar to study and to work through exercises.
For a blog, break down the steps to publish your first posting.?Steps might include finding the right platform, the title of the blog, the theme, and publishing frequency.?Don't forget you need to actually publish.
For a promotion and job, set a deadline for when you want this to happen.?Break down the steps to what it will take to get to a new role.?If job searching, you will want to have daily tasks around networking and applying for new positions.?You may need to have clarity on your next role and what it will take to perform in the new role.?In 90 days, in tech, you certainly could have a new role.?Before jumping to a new role or new company, make sure you understand your personal values and why a new role would be better for you and your family.?It's not just for the increase in pay… but it should also be fulfilling or moving you towards a bigger goal/role.
What can you accomplish before the year ends??Time to focus!
If you are looking to complete a goal before the end of the year and you need help with clarity, motivation, or confidence to get there, reach out to me for a free 15-minute Career Clarity Call.??On this call we can look at what it will take to make your goal a reality. Click HERE to book a call!