Time Flies When Your Having Fun: My First Forty
I’m turning forty next week.?
I’ve lived forty good years.?
Somehow things have worked out in such a way that I have most everything I want and I also feel very motivated.?
A wife that loves me more than I could ever expect, a daughter who can look me in the eyes and make me question all the important things that I thought I knew, and a son on the way.?
Work that is challenging, inspiring and fun.?
I’m exhausted and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.?
I used to think that I’d have things figured out by the time I was forty. That life wouldn’t feel quite so mysterious, but I was wrong.?
And while I don’t feel sad about passing through this mid-life milestone, I do feel like life is fleeting. I can see fifty, sixty, seventy and hopefully eighty year old me having the same reflections.
This future me seems like a alright guy, but a little too close.?
As a kid, I remember the weeks leading up the Christmas feeling like years, each day an insurmountable mountain keeping me from the new video game that I knew was hidden somewhere in my parent closet.?
Now those same weeks glide by. I try my best to sweep up all the sweet moments, but that only seems to make time go by faster.?
I think part of it feels like the big questions I had about myself are answered. I know who I am, and I now just need to play my part, waiting to see if my loved ones have the same luck.
Watching anxiously to see if enough of the world can find the love that is within each of us to save us from ourselves. ?
When time is passing you by more quickly than you’d like, I think it means you're happy.
If happiness is something you're into,
Building something special- if you’re not sure don’t be afraid to ask.
10 个月Happy Birthday, big guy. Here’s to 40 more…
King of Pops - Manager (wholesale customers)
10 个月You are amazing. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on 40 years of doing life perfectly.
Screenwriter and Actor
10 个月You have accomplished so much. Congrats Steven and cheers to another trip around the sun!!
Retail Merchandising and Management Executive
10 个月Absolutely beautiful! You have always been very special!! Congratulations on your new addition coming into this world. Our warmest regards to the entire Carse family!!
Growth Specialist | Startup Advisor | SMB Investor
10 个月Welcome to 40! The world is unexpectedly happier because of you and the small parts you inspire us all to play in the biggest way possible.