Time is finite, respect it.
?? Anthony Gouder ??
Helping people to be the best version of themselves, because when you succeed, we all succeed ??
There is only:
? 60 seconds in a minute
? 60 minutes in an hour
? 24 hours in a day, and
? 365 days in a year (or 366 each leap year)
You cannot magic up any more time, once it is gone, its gone. No amount of money or resource can ever bring it back.
Respect peoples:
Work hours.
Lunch time and morning/afternoon breaks - People need breaks!
Annual leave - let them 100% disconnect from work.
Sick leave - let them 100% disconnect from work.
Focus time - do not disturb them.
Meetings - agenda, agenda, agenda, yes, it is that simple.
Setting clear boundaries and expectations is easy, it is making sure other people respect these that is the challenge, and it is time we aptly called people out on it.
Encourage formal or informal discussions around respecting peoples time and put agreed rules in place, so you are in control of your own time, not anyone else.
I challenge you all to also have a lunch break policy, where people are allowed a lunch break. Do not book meetings between a set time (e.g. 12-1) because they know you are not busy or call these so called ‘working lunch’ meetings. People work hard, they deserve a break and rightly so respect them and encourage them to do so.
While technology consumes a lot of our time, and we are working harder, we also do have the tools in place to manage this, and it is easy simply by using our calendars the right way.
You cannot put a value on time, as you never know when your time will one day stop ticking.
Please RESPECT people's time.