Not time to fall.
Simon Hayford Morris
Marketing Director and Senior Designer at Adjust-A-Bed Limited
Can anyone tell me why it is that my crowdfunding campaign is not getting enough traction?. The film I recorded to explain why my business needed support was un-scripted, told from the heart, the rewards for pledges well thought through, and the business itself has shown incredible resilience through the years.
My commitment to what I created over 6years ago will continue, even if the money runs out.
This campaign would make a huge difference in enabling a small family business ride stronger through the months ahead with/without lockdown and social distancing.
Of course, It would help if any of the media took any notice of the forgotten limited companies, those that have fallen through the gap.
With less than a year to go, on a CVA (company voluntary arrangement), after building the business forward, remaining focussed on driving a business that uniquely brought history to life at events, schools, and private functions, has encouraged thousands to ride the first known mode of transport to be called a bicycle.
Grateful of all the support so far, I hope we meet the target, not for me, but all those who would benefit in the future.