There is a Time for Everything
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens . . . a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 (NIV)
Life can be a tough ride. In this broken world, nothing ever functions flawlessly.
Your body faces imperfections, the economy can be very unpredictable, and relationships aren't always smooth sailing. Losses are an integral part of life.
As we survive and rise above the inevitable losses, it's important for us to grasp some truths that will provide us with a better perspective.?
Firstly, let go of the misconception that as Christians, we should always wear a smile and radiate perpetual happiness. The unfiltered truth is found in these verses in Ecclesiastes 3. There is a time for everything.
Sometimes, the only appropriate and genuine response to life's circumstances is grief. The Bible encourages us to mourn our losses, disappointments, sins, and the suffering in this world. God doesn't expect us to show a smile on our faces all the time. Instead, He wants us to intentionally engage in our maturing process, even when it involves grieving (Matthew 5:4).?
Secondly, understand that grief is not a sign of weakness; it is in fact essential for our overall well-being. If we choose to suppress our grief indefinitely, it reveals one of three things: either we are disconnected from reality, out of touch with our emotions, or lacking love. When we truly love and encounter sorrowful situations, grief becomes a natural response.?
Grief is a healthy and necessary emotion. It is a gift from God that helps us face life's transitions. Perhaps, in your younger years, you experienced deep hurt. Maybe your parents went through a divorce, or you suffered abuse. It could even be that hurtful words wounded your spirit. As a child, you didn't possess the tools to grieve in a healthy manner, so you buried it deep within.?
It is important that you allow yourself to grieve those wounds. Because failure to grieve only traps you emotionally, causing you to react to past events and inadvertently take it out on those around you, living out in an unhealthy cycle.
Give yourself permission to mourn your losses, enabling you to progress towards emotional and spiritual healing. It's an important step on the road to healing and growth.?
Actually, there are times in life when the right thing to do is grieve.
P4 Discussion Question:
How can sharing your losses or hurts with others lead to healing and deeper connections?