Time to evaluate 2022
Kennedy Kibukho ,MEAL-EEP Africa taking time to understand the SF2 solar pump

Time to evaluate 2022

The year 2022 is approaching its end and each of us has different feelings attached to the end of the year. It could be feelings of pride after achieving set goals, a bit of disappointment after working hard or maybe just shame after just setting new year's resolutions and goals that were forgotten in the first week of the year, some of us are feeling festive. As the year comes to an end, a review is good. Celfre Energy goals included selling as many solar irrigation pumps as possible because we knew using them would improve our customers' livelihoods, how? By reducing irrigation costs and labour intensity involved in watering with cans. We also saw that it is an opportunity to educate our farmers and give them a chance to contribute towards climate change mitigation through the use of clean energy.

It is our dream to make renewable energy products for productive use accessible to many. Our pumps are now found in all provinces in Zimbabwe, the relationships we have created along the way are precious to us. We have shared the different moments with our customers that include joyful and sad ones in the projects and their families. The team from our partners EEP Africa came to do an end of year impact assessment of our project. We visited Karoi and met some of our customers. Each customer had a story to tell of their journey since we met. We are most certainly on the right path.

We managed to see that we can always do more for our customers through partnerships with our stakeholders to deliver a full joyous package . Just like us, our farming customers also came across obstacles that hindered their progress that included increasing input prices, poor agronomic practices that reduced yields and quality and price fluctuations on the market. There is room for all of us in the value chain to come together and empower our farmers, good irrigation systems alone are not good enough. Nevertheless, our customers have great things to say about the Futurepump Ltd solar irrigation pumps, they would definitely recommend it as evidenced by the concentration of our sales in the area. #solarirrigation #horticulture #renewableenergy #partnerships #empowerment #climatechange


