Time To Drive Into AI
Just rode Tron this past weekend. It was cool. You are greeted by a young lady on an electronic board giving instructions etc. except at the end you find out she was not a person at all, but an A.I. Future sci-fi stuff, right? Not really. As we dive further into this world it is becoming increasingly evident with the merging of computer animation coupled with AI (think verbal Chat/GPT) the day will soon be here where the communication on a dealer's website will not just be conversational chat, but with what looks like a real person.
This will be tied to increasingly deep data bases, the other new rage, CDPs (Customer Data Platforms) that combine both known internal customer data and external personal data. CreditMiner is deep into partnering with a number of vendors in these spaces in both fraud prevention and financial offering calls to actions we have APIs for.
Also, our sister company Dealer eProcess, is rapidly moving into these areas. The key will be open architectures and partnering with the various specialized companies in all the new technologies.
Dealerships seem to be migrating back to needing high quality leads again. The smart dealers actually never stopped. In the soft pull space the FTC is really beginning to take notice of bait and switch tactics so be sure if you do not have CreditMiner technology that you at least take the required responses and documentation yourselves because there are vendors blowing this off like it is no big deal.
The Braves are starting to have some pitching issues because of injuries. Good thing they built up a good size lead in their division. The other teams in the National League East also are having problems. It's a long season so the key is just fighting every day and the wins will come. Sort of like what we do as well, right?
I really do appreciate all the great comments I get back from all of you. I learn something every day. Thanks again for reading and taking time from your busy day.