Is it time to dissolve the EU?
Robert roos is indeed An Agent of Change inspiring the courage to have our voices heard!

Is it time to dissolve the EU?


Why is it that any group formed for a purpose, once formed and given a budget, begin to try to control others, to accomplish at the expense of taxpayers and to usurp the power of others? The behavioral patterns demonstrates that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, therefore... DISSOLVE the European Union before it is too late!!! EXIT... NEXIT... or however you want to call it. Mr. Robert Roos, since you plan to leave the EU...

Be the force that ENDS the abuse!

Linda Moore Director at Icaro Bespoke Extracts

EU, WHO, WEF, NATO should all be disbanded. They have gained too much power and its not for the good of humanity. Its power hungry elitest, satanic and blood thirsty entities who would have us completely dependant on them, controlled by them and 1984 will look like a holiday camp compared to what they have planned. The banking system is so corrupt and are bankrupt they think we are all stupid and they can just print money when they so choose, its backed with nothing. Its worth nothing. Yet they continue to do it with no repercussions!!! It beggars belief! They want CBDCs to have even further control of how you spend your own money, you cannot even withdraw your own money right now without the gestapo questioning who, where and why you want the cash. If we all asked for what is in the bank they would freak out because they do not have it. Its horrifying.

MiKael Hageus, Owner pa cr creative response

Michael Haggeus: Linda Moore back in history the trust on a bank has been questioned and folks has rushed to redraw their money no wonder the bank got problem….?? If we stick togheter we have such a great power to bring them down, say they whant us to comply After suffering, so if we get together and take the suffer and they (globalists) will suffer to Whats the point , is it all about money and your own ego mr Gates & Co


Esperanza 'Hope' Reynolds: Linda Moore Bravo! my sentIments exactly!

Tom Ka, Endorsed by Arnold Schwarzenegger

| Int. Art Curator | Brand Strategy | Management & Sales Specialist | Senior Marketing | Int. Business Development | Building Winning Leaders & Teams | Dual US & German Citizen

Germany Must Exit The EU. The EU Has Become a Criminal Clownhouse Which Drains The Citizens. USA 2.0 In Insanity Mode for Sleep-Sheep.

Ruud van Veen, owner iprocom interieurbouw

Ruud van Veen: The EU want to become a superpower. In documents and numbers they will become, maybe....but operational they will remain devided and powerless. Weak and bureaucratic. Slow by talk and talk and talk. Not in any way comparable with USA, China and Russia for example.

Ruud van Veen: David Rutherford, they already do so. Im kind of double to this topic. On the one hand i admit that topics like migration, energy, recourses, food security etc are better off by good cooperation at Continental level. On the other hand i see a lot of advantage in small, flexibel units like countries as the Netherlands to keep it lean and agile to deal with those same big topics. I just dont know, but im pretty sure i dont want to end up in a dictatorial su


Ruud van Veen On your other hand stands national sovereignty... to not end up in a dictatorial superpower requires that the effort of all citizes gain focus on eliminating each and every layer of government, bureaucracy, people who build their lives on the shoulders of taxpayers until you have bare minimum government!

August Croes, Etnia Nativa:

The deep state needs the EU as a red botton at its disposal.

Rene Civile Consultantcy,

Portfolio, Project, Change, & Crisis (Audits), [IT] Risk & Security mgt. Encryption spec. Disaster Recovery, Speaker. Creator of Civile Matrix?, 7Steps?, Change without Changing? [email protected]

Indeed. The EU commission was as entity established to monitor trades. What they have done is reshaped themselves, globalists done that, to a overruling power entity, that no one has chosen for, no taxpayer in EU voted for. They reformed all rules and ruling into a shape and format, no one could challenge nor object to. With as a result that this entity is a autocratic dictatorial body, serving no one bud themselves and their agenda(s). As we now witness, the actions to centralize powers, read, align UN, WHO, EU and countries where state leaders are gathered in the wef, and its objectives, many need to understand that their personal wellbeing is on the lin e here. These entities have no hashtag#Peace agenda but sole agendas to domination. That will ultimo be the trigger for hashtag#Armageddon and WW3, which will be devastating and many will die.

Toby C. Business Performance Consultant

| Author of Digital Leadership Delivered (on Leanpub) | OKR Expert | Operating Model Specialist | Lean Portfolio Implementer | Agile Coach | Public Speaker

So, in an age of superpowers like China and Russia gaining dominance, you think a weak EU is the answer? Global problems require cooperation not division.


Toby C. there in lies the problem, why would we want to replicate superpowers? China is a Nation and so is Russia, the European Union is a consolidated group of Nations each with its own identity, culture and language... it is best to dissolve the European Union which has evolved into power hungry visionaries.

William (Bill) Buell ESC Rear Det Chaplain at United States Army Reserve

Some of us theologians were expecting that ever since we heard the EU was being designed. What was meant for good became a sanctuary or evil.


William (Bill) Buell What is it? The wrong people selected?

Did participants get selected by the organizations that are controlling the world?

What is the analysis of the background of everyone who is in the European Union?

Are they all members of the Council of Foreign Relations?

Hired from the World Health Organization?

Trilateral commission?

From Universities that indoctrinated and manipulated their thought process to turn them into globalists?

Are they all part of the SWAMP?

Administrators that want to gain control?

Charlotta Petersen:

Wasn’t EU a CIA project? But ultimately CIA is controlled by….?

Do intelligence services need telecom infrastrucure?

Andreas Wagner AFNI

Maritime Professional, Yacht & Small Craft Surveyor (pre-purchase surveys, damage surveys, insurance surveys, valuations), Marine Consultant and Engineer, Site- and Project Manager ?????????

I remember when first we had the EEG. THAT was good and enabled free trade and ease of movement. All that followed was a steady move towards a corrupt fascist union governed by WEF scum, which will throw the world into another global war if we do not stop them.


Andreas Wagner AFNI Any human organization is derived from Process Systems and People. Study and analyze the process created, the system where it evolves and the PEOPLE... Who are they? Is the European Union filled with the common person? Or has it been a careful selection of those who live off taxpayers?

gert meijwaard

I agree competely,it is becoming a superstate with more an more control and lesser freedom. European dictatorship seems to be the intention.


#gertmeijwaard In control and less freedom tyrants are born, let everyone who works at the European Union change to new folks who are business owners, simple workers, not university graduates, everyone who protests against the EU... DISSOLVE the European Union

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