A Time Of Discovery

A Time of Discovery


This Thanksgiving, let us look to all of the discovery our nation has yet to see. 

 We celebrate our gratitude for our bounty, our forefathers and all of those we love, cherish and thrive through. 

As our "New World" was discovered after long journeys filled with rocky seas, unforeseen changes in the weather and with a faith in both human abilities and beyond, we can now look with equal faith in our own abilities and the same beyond…whatever that is for each of us.

 We are not meant to-not discover. Our own personal skills and contributions must always yield to change.

  Change, just is. We don't always like it, understand it or appreciate it...and generally speaking, I believe most of us recognize that we somehow personally, stretch and grow and discover more for ourselves in it. 

 We cannot forget the journeys and gratitude of those and for those, that came before us. Let’s meet this time of discovery, with the same faith and perseverance as they taught us. We might just find the discovery of who we each are and ultimately will be, is something larger than we see ourselves as today. 

 As we give Thanks, for all that we have; may we remember and contribute, to those who do not presently, have as much, both here and abroad. 


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