Time to "D" -up?
We hear a lot about vitamin D (vitD) levels nowadays, whether you believe it is important or not, it doesn't hurt to get to a therapeutic level, most Americans have low vitamin D. Humans are designed to have this hormone in balance, and it's one of the widely acting dynamic hormones that affects all systems. Chronic low levels can lead to many undesirable effects, so it's "better to believe it than not".
Symptoms related to chronic low-D levels
Symptomless (asymptomatic) long-term risks of low vitamin D
Working professionals, particularly C-suite executives, are working indoors. The amount of UV (ultraviolet radiation) needed to convert the inactive vitamin D in your skin is often insufficient.
The process of natural vitamin D processing takes ~6 months
**UV + skin --> vitD3 --> liver + hydroxylation (OH) --> 25(OH)D+ kidney (OH) --> 1,25(OH)D ---> active vitamin D3
Thanks to Rebecca Oliver for this explanation
Get there faster by supplementing vitamin D and skip the natural process
Vitamin D is fat-soluble (lipophilic), so take it with food.
*A friend running a software company travels around the world to scale his business, spoke of an ingenious idea; rather than put up with jet-lag, he takes his laptop work outdoors during sunlight hours instead of napping. A good night's sleep ensues, and he gets "D" -up.
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