Is it Time for a CV Check Up?
David Smith
Professional CV Writer and WordSmith ? British Association of CV Writers Board Member ? Linkedin Optimisation Coaching for Jobseekers ? Job Search Tips and Tools ? Digital Design ? CV Review ? Resume Review
Would you agree that your CV is a living, breathing document? It certainly should not be a static; ‘carved in stone’ concept, it should be constantly changing and growing in impact as your career progresses and develops, and also, it should be tailored to better meet the criteria of each application you make.
Your CV should be in the best state of health possible if it is to perform optimally in what is still a pretty tough market against some of the best talent out there.
How Does Your Current CV Perform?
Like any other ‘living, breathing’ thing, from time-to-time it would be advisable to check the health condition of your CV. Hopefully, it is vibrant and performing at ‘marathon runner’ level [or even ‘iron-man’ level], but if you find that your CV is getting a bit out-of-breath and struggling to get to the major milestones in the recruitment process, shortlisting and interviews! It may be time to put your CV through its pace, and yes, I did have to Google some of the following health-related data!
Steady as She Goes
Before I start asking ‘how many fingers am I holding up?’ it might be good to check some of the basics, the first of which would be a good steady pulse, how does your CV look?
A steady 60-80?beats per minute? With a stunning; flowing format that takes the reader on a flawless journey through your career, hitting all the ‘what I have to offer’ beats along the way, or is it dashing along at a worrying 110-120 beats per minute, with the recruiter’s eyes flicking all over the page, unable to focus on your value because of an erratic delivery of information and a sporadic trail of details that doesn’t capture the interest?
The Heart of the Matter
The heart of your CV, essentially, the content, carefully crafted keywords relevant details, how does your CV read in terms of language; sentence structure; grammar and spelling? Does it convey the rich, plummy tones of a highly trained orator, or is the reader straining to decipher what is being said? [A second opinion may reveal much about how your CV speaks to the reader]!
Does your CV have real heart; thrumming with awesome syntax and clear content and layout, or do you detect a slight flutter that really needs to be checked out?
Take a Deep Breath
How about the breathing? Nice and steady? Coping with the competition? Or red-faced and sweaty, close to passing out as it tries to keep up with the competition in the race for the ideal next job? Content is a key factor in measuring your CV’s standard of fitness.
It should be aesthetically pleasing and presented in easy-to-digest bites of what is on offer, laced with lungfuls of fresh, current content that is relevant and easy to place within your current industry.
A Little Goes a Long Way
A single pin-prick of blood will reveal what is lurking internally. Cholesterol can present a major health issue if it is too high. Simply put, your body needs a certain level of cholesterol in the blood-stream, what you don’t want is for the arteries to be caked in the stuff!
Similarly with your CV, it is very difficult not to include certain terminology when describing your value, this terminology appears in job descriptions all the time. However, references to being a ‘hardworking team player’, or to being ‘results oriented’ can start to feel a bit tired.
How much better to explain how these factors add to your appeal, use some examples in the context of your experience in the form of results delivered. You may be an awesome ‘problem solver’ but try not to clog up your CV with meaningless 'CV-speak' that says virtually nothing about what value you can offer.
Add to this any less relevant work experience from years ago [while it is highly commendable that you worked part time to support your studies, after ten years on the career ladder, it is potentially much less relevant]!
Obsolete skills also need scraping out of your CV. You may well have been a fully-fledged expert when it came to understanding Windows 95…but in 2016, nobody needs to know this.
Are You Getting Your 5-A-Day?
Is consuming 5 portions of fruit and/or vegetables per day is a scientifically proven essential thing for the human body, or just a clever marketing ploy developed by the supermarket giants, either way, most people would recognise the wisdom of eating fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.
What ‘5-A-Day’ is needed in your CV?
For your CV to be balanced, it needs at least the following five elements:
1.????Current skills;
2.????Recent Achievements;
3.????Relevant Experience;
4.????Chronologically Relevant Qualifications;
5.????Some form of Tailoring to the vacancy and company you are applying with.
Include at least all these 5 factors to make sure your CV is brimming with health and vitality!
Visit the CV Surgery
There are many other things than can impact positively [and negatively] on the health levels of your CV; if you would like a Free CV Health Check, just send it over and I will put your CV through its paces, and provide a full diagnostic and feedback report.