Time, Cost, and Consequence of Freedom for one and not for all

Time, Cost, and Consequence of Freedom for one and not for all

In South Africa, our common goals allow us to understand our past and embrace our future. The Apartheid system was inhumane because it created a worldly accepted norm called racism. However one would be naive to believe that the idea of racism came from South Africa . It certainly did not. During the Industrial, Age men were growing their appetite to discover the earth's treasures. Gold, Diamonds, and Raw minerals combined with a unique ability to learn and apply gave birth to the modern age.

Within a decade men transformed themselves into the future with sophisticated technology, the only challenge was how to construct society, because even though all men are equal some are more equal than others. So let me draw this comparison to the two realities and the rest is up to you to decide.

In 1940 until 1994 as a White Afrikaner person, you lived a very different life than other South Africans. The area that is now classified as Suburbs was working-class housing for the White Afrikaner family. Among the White Afrikaners, 80% were in the working class and had a job either with the state or with a private company involved in mining. The state was very generous with subsidies and ensured the right incentives were created to enable Agriculture in the White Afrikaner community. These communities had their own schools and relied at best on themselves, the state only provided security services.

There were no multi-millionaires because to have more than you need was regarded as un-Godly according to the White Afrikaner religion. Men could work for as long as they wanted to until they retired and many worked past what is today regarded as retirement age 65.

There was no unemployment because if you did not have a job you joined the Defence Force or the Police Service.

Today post 1994 we have a President who is amongst the Richest people in Africa, he joins that list with 4 fellow South African families.

We have a ridiculous employment policy that suggests that companies must hire people between the age of 18-35 or risk becoming uncompliant with the law. The law further suggests that at best the candidate must come from previously disadvantaged groups and be a designated group in other words "Black African "

To make matters worse they have added they must have a degree......

What this has done is not difficult to recognize, no white or colored males in middle management, senior management, or executive positions.

So where do these disgruntled people go , you wonder

Scenario 1

Informal Settlements

Alarmingly more and more White and Colored informal settlements are growing in South Africa estimating 3 million people including women and children who will be completely dependent on the government.

Scenario 2

Growing Unemployment & and Crime

After you have been discouraged so many times from getting a job and earning a living wage the legal way you turn to sins, drugs, alcohol, and any illegal activities to compensate for your idle time and unutilized talents

So in conclusion you are looking for the Answer why is South Africa so unsafe, why do you need cameras and high walls to protect you and your family? Well the guy you did not hire because he does not have a degree, does not qualify as an EE candidate, and is older than 35 years has a family as well, they also require what your family requires. When placed in these circumstances what will you do ...

It's a known fact for every person you employ you economically activate 5 people.

Time for South Africa and the Rainbow Nation Ideology is running out, the cost is growing and the hourglass is running empty...


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