Time Is A Construct
I keep thinking I need more time.
More time to think and to do the things that will bring me closer to my goals.
But maybe I need to spend even less time doing those things.
I've identified overthinking as a problem I have, so thinking more feels like a silly solution. What I really need - and this isn't the first time I'm saying it - is to be more present in the moment.
I need to stop thinking about everything I need and want and hate I don't have and just be. Rather than stress myself out about how to become the person I want to be, just be the person I want to be. It seems crazy but it really is that simple.
It's an identity shift.
When you were a kid, you likely knew someone who changed their hair or started dressing differently when they went to college. Or someone who changed something about themselves dramatically after a breakup.
Why can't I do something like that? Just in a more relevant way that helps me live my best life : )
I have an idea
A seed of an idea that I've been holding onto and nurturing. It would dramatically change the way I live my life. But as I back out and look at the benefits, they're quite vast.
But here's my dilemma...
I keep saying I need more time. I need more time specifically to explore this idea and gain clarity on my path forward. And around and around we go lol
So let me take better advantage of my subconscious mind to figure this out.
I'll sleep on this idea tonight to live out my life and see where it guides me. Journaling and meditation have given me a lot of clarity on how to leverage the power of sleep. This is what I'm training for.
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I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. Follow the Manifest a Million Challenge every Sunday through Thursday night - a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.
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