Time Complexity & Space Complexity
Time Complexity
Time complexity is the amount of time an algorithm takes to complete. It is measured in terms of the number of steps or operations that must be performed by a computer, and it can be used to compare different algorithms and identify the most efficient ones. To calculate time complexity, every line of code must be taken into consideration. There are two main ways to measure time complexity: big-O notation and asymptotic analysis.
Big-O notation describes an algorithm's behavior as its input size grows toward infinity; it gives us a sense of how quickly an algorithm will run as we increase its inputs from small numbers up toward infinity (or at least very large numbers). The asymptotic analysis uses tools like recurrence relations or counter-arguments to show that certain functions grow faster than others when given large inputs; this helps us determine whether one function is better than another for modeling real-world problems with finite data sets.
Space Complexity
Space complexity is the amount of memory required for an algorithm i.e how much space an algorithm uses to run. It's a function of the number of inputs and the size of the output, so it can be measured in terms of memory or disk space. For example, if you have an algorithm that takes 1MB per input and produces 100KB worth of output, then its space complexity would be 100KB/1MB = 0.1.
Technical Introduction to Time Complexity
Time complexity is the amount of time it takes for an algorithm to run. It's usually measured in big O notation, which means that you can think of it as an upper bound on how long the algorithm will take to run. To calculate the time complexity of an algorithm, we need to know two things:
The time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of how much time, on average, it takes to solve a problem using that algorithm. The number of steps required to solve a problem depends on the input size (the number of elements in the input). For example, if you have an array with one million integers, it will take longer than if you had only 10 integers in your array. So we must consider both factors: firstly how many inputs there are and secondly how complex they are themselves; this latter factor can be measured by counting how many operations need to be performed per element (such as addition or multiplication).
Time complexity is not necessarily equal to execution time; for example, if an algorithm runs in O(n) but only uses constant space then its actual run-time may vary depending on what size inputs are given but will always be less than linear due to memory restrictions imposed by modern computers' caches (which store frequently used data).
Time complexity is a useful tool for algorithm analysis, which can help you decide when to use an algorithm and how much effort should be spent on improving it.
Time Complexity VS Space Complexity
You now understand space and time complexity fundamentals and how to calculate it for an algorithm or program. This section will summarize all previous discussions and list the key differences in a table.
Time complexity is an important factor when it comes to designing algorithms. Understanding time complexity is crucial if you want your algorithm to be efficient and perform well in real-world applications.