Time to come out!
Have you ever stood at the door and wondered if your cat would come home? And when somebody asked how you were doing, you just said “fine” because you didn’t want to show them how MUCH you were worrying??
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because you had seen a dog who was abused or neglected, and you couldn’t sleep because you had no idea how to help him??
Have you ever been worried sick because you needed to move and you were afraid that your animals would not be hurt or welcome in the new place, or were you hesitant to go after a great new job or opportunity because you couldn’t bear the thought that it would harm your loved ones if you did?
But you didn’t tell anyone, because you didn’t want people to think of you as weak or silly?
Aren’t you tired of hiding?
Are you tired of being afraid?
Are you tired that nobody ever really understands?
Well, we've got this course with some useful strategies, and now it is free!
There is nothing wrong with caring for the ones we love deeply.
There is nothing wrong with loving those deeply who don’t happen to be human, starting with our pets, and continuing with the wild animals in front of our door or far away, or the plants and trees or all life.
And there is nothing weak in showing that love, and it is TIME TO COME OUT.
There has never been a better time to show the world that you care!
There has never been a greater awareness that humans aren’t the only ones precious on this planet, and that when we humans want to survive, we need to understand that we are part of a greater whole and that this greater whole is worth protecting, and when we want to protect something, we need to start at home!
When I first came out of hiding, I was angry all the time, because it was the only thing I knew, the natural way to react.
But you can’t influence people in a beneficial way if you are angry all the time.
And at some point, it may backfire.
So, in order to exercise this love in an intelligent way, in a way that is non-violent, where we do NOT react with violence to the violence that we experience coming towards us and our loved ones, even when it is just emotional, we need TOOLS.?
This course is about some of the tools I discovered and learned from others - sometimes in a completely different context - that you can use to head off aggression externally before it arises.
It is about how you can prepare yourself and deal with your internal world to deal with what already happened and may still haunt you, but also to deal with what may come,?so you are the best version of yourself and inspire the best behavior toward animals in others.
Click the button below and check this out!