Time to change your pharmacy's workflow
The sale of so many Lloyds pharmacies and the closure of all their branches within Sainsbury supermarkets shows that even with large economies of scale, #communitypharmacy is a very difficult business to be in.
To survive we need to start doing things differently.
Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”?
But most pharmacies are run in exactly the same way they were run more than 30 years ago when PMRs were first introduced, doing the same thing they always have over and over again.
Community pharmacy workflows are governed by their PMR. Most PMRs were designed years ago, using technology that has been superseded in most other industries but still survives in pharmacy because lack of competition and the complacency of the PMR providers has stifled innovation and has led to pharmacy being technologically backward, and the PMR systems not really being fit for purpose.
If you were to design a pharmacy workflow from scratch today you would want it to use technology to make dispensing safer and more efficient.
You would want the system to remember pharmacists' clinical decisions so that clinical checks don't need to be performed on every repeat prescription every month when they already know they are happy for that particular patient to take that particular combination of drugs.
You would want the system to keep strict stock control and just keep stock on the shelves that were likely to be needed that day, and not order stock for repeat prescriptions until that repeat has been received in the pharmacy, allowing a significant reduction in stocks.
You wouldn't want a label produced unless the correct product was first scanned. And in that case, you wouldn't want to have to check for accuracy after dispensing because you know an error wouldn't /couldn't have been made.
You would want to inform patients that their medication is ready by SMS text when you've completed dispensing and prompt the patient to order their next prescription in plenty of time for next time.
That's exactly what we have been able to do with #PharmacyX and more.
We've designed a workflow that is not only safer but considerably more efficient. 90% fewer clinical checks, 80% fewer accuracy checks and 75% reduction in stock.
That means the pharmacists are freed from the dispensing process to focus on their patients, improving customer service and developing new service-based income streams
The team behind Pharmacy-X have been running community pharmacies for almost 30 years. We invented #eCASS the first cascade buying system in pharmacy in the UK which has had more than 1000 users and developed the first fully functioning #HubAndSpoke system in the UK in 2011
So if you want to follow Einstein's advice and do things differently and help your sanity, why not book an online demo or site visit to see how PharmacyX can get your pharmacy flowing?