Time to Change the World…?
There’s always a great deal of fascination in the idea of colonising other worlds, in sending people to Mars and seeking a new home beyond the confines of our beautiful planet. Whatever your reaction might be to sending humans out into space, whether you agree with the unimaginable cost of such undertakings or feel that we should focus on dealing with the problems we’ve created here on Earth, the concept of expanding our influence into the cosmos certainly attracts our attention. But is the only way to fulfil our potential as a species?
We could argue that the great uncharted realm of human consciousness is an equally appealing challenge for exploration. The difference, of course, is that we don’t need vast material resources to undertake this deeply personal voyage of discovery. In fact, ancient sages were fond of reminding their followers that the only journey that is truly worthwhile in life is the one that leads to the discovery of our deeper identity.
The revelation of the True Self provides the answers to all of our questions and endows us with a complete understanding of the nature of reality. This was considered to be the greatest prize that a human could acquire since an enlightened individual would be of immeasurable benefit to humanity and the state of the world. Perhaps this is why we should be mindful of the value of exploring our own consciousness. It’s always tempting to project our imbalances onto the broad canvas of the world and imagine that we can find fulfilment by changing the fabric of society. Most people dream of overcoming the challenges we face as a species and improving life for everyone. But the most significant place to entertain meaningful change is within the domain of our own hearts. When we free ourselves from the shrouds of illusion that hold us in a state of bonded captivity, everything is revealed as it truly is. This is the greatest transformation a human being can experience. Free yourself today.?