Time to change the ‘Process’ word in Recruitment Process Outsourcing?
Stephen M.
CSMO/CRO/Global Account Director/Transformation Director: Talent Management Solutions. Strategic Workforce planning. Public Sector, Private Sector. SaaS. PE and FO start up and turnaround.
Blend the science with the Art:
For me there have always been 4 golden rules to follow when outsourcing recruitment:
1. Never outsource a problem that is not working -get it fit for purpose and stability achieved to a degree, before you engage a third party.
2. Outsource what is not core to your business, to allow you to focus on what you excel at.
3. Be clear on the value-add Transformational expectations from your outsource relationship.
4. Be clear that to succeed, it is not just a process you outsource, measured by hard metrics – recruitment is art as well as science.
In relation to point 3 and 4 - I have no doubt that there are times when a simple transactional outsource process model will meet a client needs (High volume blue collar workers/transient workforces?), but more often than not I sense that organisations are being sold the benefits of entering into a strategic recruitment outsourcing relationship; when in reality they will receive more of that transactional process model. Why does this happen?
I don’t think the phrase ‘Process Outsourcing’ helps. It is a title that was defined in the early years of RPO and MSP, probably at a time when process improvement was the primary benefit/capability of any outsource recruitment model. Seamless end to end management of candidate processes and visibility of data describing the performance of the recruitment pipeline. As we all know the capability potential of Outsource Recruitment providers has come on leaps and bounds – enabled by great tech developments and, thankfully, much better recruitment strategic insight. Google search RPO providers now, and you will see claims of:
“Talent Solutions to designed to unlock deeper competitive advantage”
“Solutions that support your talent strategy”
“Insight led, brand driven, strategic RPO services”
Yet still I see solutions provided to clients that, in the final analysis, are at best transactional. With over emphasis and dependency on the process steps, systems and reporting, data gathering and tech enabled solutions to deliver more efficiency. For your service to be truly transformational and strategic it needs to deliver more than just the transactional improvement. So, challenge yourself on the points below – are you getting a strategic transformational service from your provider?
- Process improvement – Is more than just mapping existing process, recording demand failure points, fixing process and streamlining ‘time to hire’. When process improvement is transformational it is also aligning the right people with the right skill sets into that newly defined process. Recognising that Robotics and AI are there to enable better more skilful interactions from recruiters. Candidate expectations will always demand the art of conversation – from skilled people supporting your new process
- Data and analytics – Collating data and producing MI reporting dashboards are essential to underpin governance of any account. But to be transformational it is about how will that data and reporting be used smartly, to provide insight and inform resourcing strategy direction. The science is in the numbers, but there is no algorithm that can completely predict candidate behaviour – the science is the data the art is in the interpretation of that data balanced against recruiter experience and insight into candidate marketplace
- Integrated technology solutions and platforms – Transactional statement of work will describe how relevant ATS/ VMS platforms will interface (or at best integrate) with your own in-house systems, enabling data exchange more easily. Transformational technology solutions will strive to provide one single tech platform, giving an integrated talent view, which removes complexity for end user (single sign on?). Each element of your tech solution clearly linked to critical path items delivering candidate experience and expertise in; sourcing, selecting and on-boarding.
- Attraction and sourcing – A framework of direct sourcing models, underpinned with recruitment specialists. Enabled by Job Boards, campaign strategies, social media and web searches, will describe the transactional approaches used by your recruitment outsource partner. A transformational thread that must run through attraction and sourcing is your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). From attraction through to retention, what is the thread that delivers that consistent psychological contract to your candidates and employees – that defines your employer brand.
If we do not reframe our expectations of what we engage Recruitment Process Outsource Companies for, then we are likely to be bound to a paradigm that is process improvement focussed, delivering transactional improvements, but never a truly optimised transformational outsourced recruitment partnership. Time to up our demands and search for ‘Recruitment Partner Outsourcing’ - Transformational RPO models that will meet diverse talent needs in an increasingly talent scarce market.