Is It Time for Change ?
We often hear the expression 'Practise makes perfect' but this is not strictly the case. Because practise - makes permanent! If we always repeat the same actions, we can expect the same results. If we want things to be different, this implies that we must do things differently. If we always do things the same way, think the same thoughts, generate the same old familiar feelings, things will remain exactly as they are.
So, if we really want to create improvements and introduce changes in our lives, we have to change what we do, how we think and how we feel. Change the formula of your behaviour and you massively increase the probability of creating real change in your life.
Start by choosing how you want things to be. Choose how you want to feel. Then examine how your present actions are creating the outcomes in your life. This is the pathway to lasting improvements. Even small changes can produce extraordinary results.
The Wellness Foundation's mission is to make a positive difference to everyone whose life we touch. We offer more than twenty years of experience and a vast collection of resources to both individuals and organisations via a combination of publications, tutorials, digital packages and online consultations. We specialise in helping people master their stress and take back control of their lives. We're here to help people discover their hidden potential for a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. Global, local, friendly and effective. Feel free to get in touch with us today to learn more.