Time For Change - Frost & Bean Mission
Green Bean Collection
An award-winning series of collectable books, ECO toys and games for children.
Green Bean Studios was founded on Anita Frost’s 20+ years of child development and business experience and the team’s combined 30+ years of creative industry experience. Harnessing this expertise, the brand has grown to help children learn through play, love outdoor adventures, and nurture the world around them.
Green Bean Studios has built an innovative?multi-revenue children’s brand, creating a range of collectable children’s books called?Green Bean Collection, as well as eco toys, games and wholesome media content.Sustainability is at the heart of Green Bean Studios’ mission, from its stories and fictional characters to its educational eco toys and music.
Supporting children to play, learn and develop with confidence is another fundamental cornerstone to the firm; across its retail, music, and TV productions, elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework are incorporated to support early years children in their education.
Anita Frost welcomes the government’s goals to?raise the proportion of children in England who are ready for school by the age of five to 75% by 2028.
With yesterday's?announcement to focus on early years, one of?the largest ever increase to the Early Years Pupil Premium and last week’s new?‘plan for change’?target?A child’s earliest years are crucial to their development,?life chances and future opportunities.
When children do not have the best start from 0 to 5 years?it can have lifelong consequences.
Reports show that last year, 187,000 children started primary?school without the communication and language skills they need to?learn and?thrive, with those from disadvantaged communities disproportionately affected.
Anita Frost?multi-award-winning author, entrepreneur and the founder of?Green Bean Studios??has been innovating with a talented team for the last four years to build impacting?innovating eco-toys and fun learning books.
All the innovations Frost and the team lead forward are founded on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, to ensure no child gets left behind.
Through our?Precious Moments Ambassadors?campaign,?we remain committed to reaching one child at a time worldwide.
Working closely with local government, council leaders and stakeholders to deliver change which has an impact on the children's lives.
At the heart of Green Bean Studios are three core pillars: EARTH ● KIDS??●?COMMUNITY