Time to Change Course…?
Have you noticed how the pathway to your goals never seems to proceed in a straight line? I know. It can certainly be frustrating! We’re all encouraged to have a clearly-defined set of objectives and a plan of action to transform our dreams into reality. But it’s rare to consider how often our course has to change in order to adjust to the conditions we encounter. We prefer to consider a straight line that connects point A to point B and covers the shortest possible distance. It seems to be the most efficient way to reach our chosen destination. But life rarely allows for such a simple and convenient pathway. And this insight leads us to consider the underlying problem with this very common perspective. We become more attached to how we do things than to the goal we’ve set as our objective. And these two features of our success strategy are not the same.
Knowing where you want to go and what you intend to achieve are essential ingredients in any quest for success. But if conditions change and your route is unexpectedly blocked, if your progress is delayed and your enthusiasm blunted, what can help you to maintain momentum and keep you moving towards your goals? The answer is to keep your focus firmly fixed on your chosen destination. You can examine where you are in relation to your objective, assess where you might be off track and make the necessary course adjustments.
This is a good moment to accept that changing direction is absolutely normal and often a key element in reaching your goals. Because, perhaps surprisingly, we are off course more often than being on the right track. Once you integrate this insight into your action plan, you create the flexibility to adjust your approach and your methods in the pursuit of your dreams. You might need to make many adjustments but, as long your goal remains fixed, you compass heading can be changed to bring into alignment with your objectives.
In conclusion, set your goal in concrete and visualise its completion with crystalline purity. But set your path in sand and be ready to adjust your direction whenever you discover that you’re strayed away from your true heading.