Time for Change... Again ??
Hello All! Well... I'm almost sixty and I've been thinking that it's time for some restructuring and simplification. I once told the quote above to a client I was supporting and I'm passing it on to you all now. You may have seen me post it before, but-- here it is again.
I know many people use these platforms to search for jobs, get new clients, find new circles to move in, and for just plain socializing. And, it is all good. No matter what reason you use them for, just remember to keep your reasoning for using them first and foremost.
Don't compare yourself to others to the point of you seeing yourself as being rejected. And, if what you are doing isn't working as well as you would like--change. I'm pretty sure the driving intent behind most platforms is to make money. So, they will try to sell you on everything. Your job should be to find the right audience for you.
I enjoy writing and learning how to use various platforms. I don't really "sell" anything other than perhaps support services-- helping people learn and how to use technology. And most of that, I do offline.
Having said that, I'm restructuring ...a lot. I thank those of you who joined and followed the newsletter here. But I'll be posting mostly on my BlogSpot blog from this point forward. I hope you'll join me there. https://danielspellerinfo.blogspot.com/ .
The best of everything to you all!