Time Capsule, Hamstrings - and the Little Mermaid!
I was in the gym last week and rather than listen to the usual gym playlist, I decided to keep on the new Time Capsule playlist that Spotify released last week. This new feature gives you a playlist of songs that you likely listened to in your teenage years, based on your age and your recent listening habits. Mine was bang on and full of absolute belters - Green Day, Nirvana, Blink 182, Third Eye Blind, Stereophonics, Oasis, Red Hot Chilli Peppers - and even a few tracks from Rocky - so I decided to keep it on for my gym session..
I was properly in the zone (with “Jump Around” by House of Pain on), when the value of creating + listenging to specific playlists for specific moments became apparent to me - the next song to come on was the theme tune to the Little Mermaid…
Totally ruined the moment!
Algorithmically, it was correct, as I have (unfortunately) listened to a lot of Disney over the last couple of years (it’s the kids I swear!) - but this just goes to show why so many people create their own playlists for key daily moments and how music is so crucial to help you focus, relax, or keep you motivated + get you in the mood for certain things. I think I’ll stick to my gym playlist from now on...
Rugby-wise, the inevitable happened and my hamstring went 3 games in. It’s not too bad, but now that I have a lot less time for rehab/physio, recovery is a lot slower than it used to be (perhaps age is a factor too??). I’ll be back soon enough, but the team is doing well - and LW is regularly putting out 3 senior teams each Saturday, along with the Women's and burgeoning junior section - which is fantastic to see. It’s a long season, but a good start - it’s not proper rugby until it’s pouring down and you’re caked in mud anyway!
Try out the Time Capsule for yourself - I’d love to hear some of the forgotten classics that it unearthed for you - or some of the embarrassing memories (I had Boys2Men in there!). Either click on the below or hover the camera icon in your Spotify search bar over the image