Time to call the coach...
Keita H. Williams
Professional Butt-Kicker | Coach | Dazzling Facilitator | Hypnotherapist | Wildly Photogenic
1. This Week's Hot Tip
Any goal worth having is going to require developing some discipline and habit building. When thinking about how to use accountability and thinking about how you're going to achieve your goals, remember you can leverage a coach. Here are three scenarios that a coach can support you through.
Scenario 1: You are stuck.?It feels like you are in neutral and can't seem to get into drive.
Scenario 2:You want to accelerate. You have clarity around your goal and you want to skip the line.?It is time to speed up the process.
Scenario 3:You want to refine.?You want to work smarter and smoother.?
Watch the live stream replay below:?
2. Book Recommendation
3. Event Alert
Alkeme Day July 2022 - Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
4. Quote of the Week
?"If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow” - Beyonce Knowles
5. Ask Keita
Submit work and goal-related questions by responding to this email and I'll answer one each week in the newsletter!
?Q: Hi Keita, I've been trying to make progress in my goals but I keep stopping and starting. How do I become more consistent?
A:?Remember you are delightfully human, and humans by nature take time to build habits. Give yourself at least 90-days of action-taking. Get into the habit of tracking your progress so you can see more results. If you still can't get out of your own way, consider a coach. Call us in!
I hope you enjoyed your 5-minute break today.
Let's get after it!
Keita – Your favorite Success Bully