TIME: BLOOM SYNERGY - Synergize to go advance, Intertwine to Prosper

TIME: BLOOM SYNERGY - Synergize to go advance, Intertwine to Prosper

In an era where each new day unveils fresh, evolving technologies, the synergy between humans and machines is unlocking countless new horizons. Now, the question is no longer “Will technology change the world?” but rather, “How can humans and technology resonate to reach new heights?”

Produced by S-World, TIME: BLOOM SYNERGY will provide answers for leaders and young Vietnamese eager to pioneer the new era and seize opportunities in the age of AI. This is also the first time S-World presents a comprehensive picture of the tech wave, featuring insights from top experts who are shaping it.


Artificial Intelligence - From Generative AI to AGI

Generative AI and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are pushing us toward new horizons, forming the backbone of multiple industries. Yet, with the minds in Silicon Valley, AI's future vision will expand the boundaries of human intelligence, aiming for superhuman AI.

For the first time, top global experts and pioneers from Silicon Valley will discuss Vietnam, positioning the “Vietnamese DNA” on the world’s tech map. S-World extends its sincere thanks to The New Turing Institute (NTI) and the GENAI Summit 2024 for synergizing with us on this special program.

Blockchain & Gaming

While many know blockchain through cryptocurrency, its potential spans far wider. This segment delves into aspects of blockchain technology, decentralized platforms, and new economic models within the Web 3.0 ecosystem. It’s a revolution being built day by day by pioneering leaders in the Vietnamese and international gaming and blockchain industries.

S-World sincerely thanks Endeavor Vietnam and Forum GameChangers 2023: Exploring the Future of the Game Industry in Vietnam for synergizing with us on this special program.


Human Resources and Leadership in the AI Age

AI was created not to replace humans but to support and amplify human potential. Through conversations with industry experts, TIME: BLOOM SYNERGY offers practical perspectives on how people can harness AI not with fear, but with confidence. When humans and machines resonate, we not only work faster but also smarter and more creatively.

S-World sincerely thanks Talentnet Corporation and The Makeover 2024: Foster Green Dynamics for synergizing with us on this special program.

Sustainable Growth for Businesses

For businesses looking to thrive in the digital era, integrating AI is not merely an option but a survival strategy. From automating daily tasks to analyzing data and forecasting, AI can optimize processes, drive innovation, and open up new growth opportunities.

We will bring unique perspectives, from the hands-on expertise of leading specialists to thought-provoking questions about the future of technology and ourselves.

S-World sincerely thanks Endeavor Vietnam and Scale Up Forum 2024: The Path to Profitable Growth for synergizing with us on this special program.

TIME: BLOOM SYNERGY will be released in November, 2024 on S-World’s multichannel platforms. Stay tuned to discover this “new world” of humans and machines!

Thank you to our partners for the collaboration and support.

#SWord #TIMES #TIMEBloomSynergy #GenAI #ArtificialIntelligence #SiliconValley #FutureOfAI #supercollaboration #NTI #VietAI #Endeavor #Talentnet #khongloan

#TheMakeover2024 #FosterGreenDynamicsfor #ForumGameChangers2023 #GenAISummit2024 #ScaleUpForum2024 #ThePathtoProfitableGrowth #Google #GoogleDeepMind #Innovation #People #Startup #AITechnology #VietnamTech


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