Is It That Time Already?
Significant changes in life & in business just takes time. And yes, from my experience, often one-year for the big, important things to shift!
What will your business be like one year from today?
If you had a Board of Directors that you had to report to, what WILL your update be 1-year from today?
Take a sheet of paper and start a listing project. Begin writing down what your business WILL look like 12-months from today.
Take some time on this listing project, then do it again, and again.
How long is it? How many items are on this new list?
What are the most important items?
Which must get done? Which items, if not completed will not make that much of a difference?
· Who to hire, what key positions need to be filled?
· Who needs to go?
· What capital do you need to have in place to grow?
· What will or needs to change on your financial statements?
· Any new pricing decisions, processes or products to introduce?
· What key learnings do you and your team need to focus on?
· How is your Company culture doing, where can that improve?
The “Great Time Rip-Off”
In this instant gratification world, we want and expect changes to happen quickly. Weight loss is a simple example to galvanize this message. Wouldn’t it be great if you could go to sleep and wake up with those 10 or 25 pounds off? You know that weight that mysteriously crept into your body over the past few years?
That’s my point, it took time to get to the spot (maybe not a good spot) you are at, it will take time to get your business where you want to be.
Is this because we lack the personal discipline to stick with things that we commit to?
Most likely yes!
Give yourself the luxury of TIME to experience a significant change in your business. Giving yourself 1-year allows for the up’s downs and flatlines that naturally occur.
Keep that list and written 1-year vision in front of you, look at it daily or weekly (at a minimum weekly), keep thinking about where your business will be in 12-months.
Time is an asset, use it don’t lose it.