Time Alone & Life Lessons
Eric Brown
Writer/Published Author Specialized Coaching & Counseling for Female Entrepreneurs **Hire Eric for One on One Coaching **Help with Your Transition **Help with Having a GrowingFREE SimpleLife
Growingfree SimpleLife Morning Musings;
It's a cloudy Fall day, a great time to read, write, cook some good food, and maybe take a nap. This GrowingFREE Simple LifeStyle yields Wisdom for me. Things are just more clear, partially because there is an Abundance of Time, one of the most overlooked assets in our life.
It Happens to Those Who Live Alone; David Whyte
It happens to those
who live alone
that they feel sure
of visitors
when no one else
is there,
until the one day
and the one
working in the
quiet garden,
when they realize
at once
that all along
they have been
an invitation
to everything
and every kind
of trouble
and that life
happens by
to those who
like the bees
the tall mallow
on their legs of gold,
or the wasps
going from door to door
in those tall forests
so easily
by the daisies.
I have my freedom
because nothing
really happened
and nobody came
to see me,
only the slow
growing of the garden
in the summer heat
and the silence of that
unborn life
making itself
known at my desk,
my hands
with the crumbling
as I write
and watch
the first lines
of a new poem
like flowers
of scarlet fire
coming to fullness
in a clear light.
Life Lessons; Chip Conley
Our painful life lessons are the raw material for our future wisdom so one way to determine your wisdom fingerprints is to consider some life experiences that you’ve metabolized into wisdom.
What did you learn from your first job or first marriage or having your first child?
If I was asked this question, my answer would depend upon the day I was asked. Today, I might offer the following:
-Anticipated regret is a form of wisdom.
The regret of the thing you didn’t do is twice as painful as the regret of the thing you wish you hadn’t done. I still regret not taking a whole summer to travel Europe after spending my spring quarter of my junior year overseas in England. My favorite MEA question is “Ten years from now, what will you regret if you don’t learn it or do it now?” This is how I catalyzed myself to learn Spanish and to surf at 56 even though I thought I was too old.
-The cosmic bellhop delivers your reputation before you arrive. While you can’t control what others will say about you, you can influence their perspective of you based upon your actions. As hotel real estate developer, I’ve encountered riled-up activists at community meetings who were worried about our plans to build or renovate a hotel, but I’ve never experienced being voted down for our proposal primarily because there were always good people out there speaking positively about us based upon our commitment to “karmic capitalism,” what goes around comes around.
-As we age, time is more important than money.
What’s scarce is valuable and as we age, we have less time. This is particularly important with how we invest our time into relationships with our family and friends. If you’re rich, you have money. If you’re affluent, you have time.
-Photo Eric Brown
Specialized Coaching & Counseling for Female Entrepreneurs
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