Time Ally or Enemy

Time Ally or Enemy

Triple Espresso:

Time is either your greatest ally or your worst enemy.

It's ENTIRELY up to you.

For most, it's the latter.

Most fool themselves into thinking they "have time."

They don't.

YOU don't!

Time sets across the board from you and is going to sweep you OFF the board MUCH quicker than you think; and CERTAINLY before you're ready.

I can't begin to count now many people tell me, "I'm going to make it to your event someday. Now is just not the right time."

"I'm going to work with you and coach with you someday, right after I get this or that handled."

Look, there's not ONE SINGLE POWER in this Universe that will guarantee you'll even wake up tomorrow.

When you get "this or that handled" there will ALWAYS be something else needing to be handled.

You want to ignore this truth?

Go right ahead. But it doesn't make it ANY less true; and deep down inside you KNOW this. No matter how much you attempt to ignore it or deny it.

My friend Les Brown tells the story about how he and the late Wayne Dyer were scheduled to do a PBS special together. They kept putting it off and putting it off.

The day before they were FINALLY scheduled to film, Wayne died of a heart attack. The special was never created.

Case in point.

So how do you make time your ALLY?


Listen, and listen carefully, the forces of Resistance MUST give way to he or she who refuses to give up.

Most never start.

Most who do start quit too soon and give up.

Be one of the 3% WHO DO NOW versus the 97% who "THINK ABOUT IT" and live with regret.

Are you ready to remove The Resistance, the blocks and the hinderances that keep you from your greatness? Are you ready to STOP DREAMING and start DOING and LIVING? Mental Mastery and Power.Details here: https://www.jamesray.com/mental-mastery-and-power/


