Time for Action! Post Easter thoughts on shifting your mindset!

After a long weekend with the family, scoffing my bodyweight in Chocolate and generally enjoying myself I reflected a little on how taking action, thinking positively, not getting stuck in the same routine can be a huge plus for your career. I jotted down some points that I hope resonate with you and have at times helped me in my career. Let's dive in.

Do you sometimes get stuck in the cycle of complaining about your career situation without taking action to change it?

Have you silently quit, going through the motions in a job that is OK but you know deep down you could be doing so much more?

Or, which is the case with myself, Dream Big but sometimes don’t push the action button to get the wheels moving to make the dream happen?

If any of the above is you, now is the time to embrace some ownership and take ACTION.

Let’s start with the latter point, Dreaming big.

Now I actually think being able to dream big, is actually an incredibly positive trait, without the ability to dream the idea & create the vision then there is actually no driver to go and take the next step.

So firstly, if you can Dream Big, for me you are already ticking a huge box you need. Maybe you have ambitions of being a CEO, running your own business or retiring in the next 5 years, good on you, whatever your ambition is.

Mine had been starting my own business, something I had talked about with close friends and family for over 5 years, but through a lack of action, some self-doubt and the comfort of having a pretty good job I didn’t take the leap. Until I did.

Action kicked in, my mind was made up and I sat down with a cup of tea one afternoon, my laptop, a pen and paper and researched what I actually needed to start a business.

By the end of the afternoon I had a list, a starting point.

From there it was easy, take action each day ticking items off the list. ?

I now have a business.

Key Learning for me: Take Action: Stop making excuses and start taking action towards your career goals. Break down your objectives into manageable steps and commit to making progress each day. Without Action you won’t know if it would or could work.

Next point is the very topical culture of ‘silent quitting’.

Personally I have never silently quit, but there have certainly been points in my career where I have been tired, frustrated or dissatisfied with work. Again, I think that is normal, everyday can’t be a great day, you can’t always be 100% on top form, you will have bad days. Luckily for me these slumps never lasted longer than a few days and I would inevitably, have a word with myself, remotivate, realign and get back on the wagon and give my all.

However, the odd day not being av100% on it is completely different to the apathy some people feel with their job.

Day in day out, doing the bare minimum, in at 9, leave at 5 mentality, doing enough to not lose their job but not enough to ever get promoted or fully invest in their role....and worse then complain about it.

If that is you, my advice is TIME FOR A CHANGE.

More than anything else, its not fair on you.

Everyone has the potential to be fully committed and to enjoy their work, if this is not happening make the change, take action, life is too short not to.

Key learning: Life Is too Short. Recognise the signs of dissatisfaction, such as "silent quitting," and understand the importance of addressing them. Take proactive steps to reignite motivation & realign your goals. If that means changing jobs, go and do it. Remember, life is too short to settle for a lacklustre career – go and do something that fulfils you or work for a business that values you.

AND, Finally, the stereotypical British trait - complaining.

We all do it at times, I complain about the roadworks near my house nearly everyday, THEY ARE TERRIBLE, 25 minutes to go 400 yards sometimes!

BUT, When complaining and moaning creep into your work and career it’s a big NO for me.

We have all been around people who do it and every single time it happens, it’s a drain on energy, yours and theirs.

If you are the one doing the moaning, it might be time to look in the mirror and embrace some ownership.

If you are not getting the promotion you want, not getting through interviews or complaining about the state of the coffee at work, time to stop waiting for people to change your situation for you and instead go and make it happen. (In the case of the coffee, maybe invest in a nice cafetière and become the envy of the office).

I can count on one hand, actually No I can’t how many times I have seen constant moaning at work result in positive career growth or an improvement in happiness.

I have however seen many people adopt a fresh mindset, create clear goals, work towards action every day and in a few months are completely unrecognisable and people are wondering how the hell they got that promotion.

Same can be said of people I know who have held their hand up, said this role isn't for me and they go and do something different and inevitably are happier and more successful.

It is always because of one thing, A SHIFT IN MINDSET.

Key Learning: Change the Mindset: Instead of dwelling on what you perceive as unfair or undeserved, focus on growth and development. View challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, and embrace setbacks as valuable lessons on your path to success.

So there you have it. My chocolate infused, post easter thoughts on how shifting mindset, creating goals and then most importantly TAKING ACTION can positively impact your career.

Give it a go.





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