It is time for action
I am proud of my adopted country Taiwan. I love the fact that we have free press, a working universal health care system for all, freedom of speech, gay marriage and a female president who is focused on her work, instead of putting out bigly self-aggrandizing tweets.
But Taiwan needs help. The way Taiwan managed the Covid crisis was an example to the world, yet we have a hard time getting our message across. We have no seat at the table, we have no voice. Taiwan wants to help and Taiwan can help. But we need to help Taiwan first.
One of the things holding Taiwan back is – surprise – Taiwan itself. We are underselling ourselves with bad branding, bad marketing, outdated design and amateurish copywriting in English.
It is not uncommon to find official government websites that are barely working and that look as if they were designed by a well-meaning amateur more than twenty years ago. Spelling mistakes and comically bad English abound on the web, making all of Taiwan look like a country struggling to get to the 21st century global stage. The irony is that in reality, Taiwan is miles ahead in many ways.
Many Taiwanese companies fare no better. Their branding focuses completely on what they do, not on what their customers want and need. Bad sites, bad English, design that is dotty and cute at best, outdated at its worst.
This needs to stop. We need to show the world the real Taiwan: progressive, outward-looking, caring, creative, mindful, and cool. Look Right has reached out to top players in the government and industry with an offer to help – in any way we can, wherever it is needed. You can do your part, too. Share the good news. Roll up your sleeves. Make yourself heard.
It’s time for a new look for Taiwan. Let’s make it happen.
To check out our pitch document, click here.