Tightening up on R&D relief – are stronger controls long overdue?
It was unsurprising that the recent arrest of eight people (including a tax agent) on suspicion of conspiring to submit over 100 fraudulent R&D relief claims, made the headlines.?Reports suggest that further arrests will follow while HMRC put out a statement confirming that, by acting quickly, it prevented public funds in the order of £46 million being lost to fraud.?
However, the above development is hardly unique.?In late 2020, Birmingham Crown Court heard how Convergica (Clinical Information Systems) Ltd made bogus claims to tax relief of £29.5m against a purported £137m spend on developing an IT healthcare system for two countries in the Middle East.?In that case, the three men responsible were jailed for a collective term of 21 years.?
Whilst the above represent examples of extreme abuse of the R&D tax relief regime, many more incorrect claims have been filed with some inevitably slipping through the net.?
The R&D programme was introduced in 2000 to encourage innovation and research
Reforms to the R&D regime come into effect from 1 April 2023.?The changes include measures aimed at tackling abuse and improving compliance
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