Tighten Your Screws This Season with Daily Bible Verse Affirmations!

Tighten Your Screws This Season with Daily Bible Verse Affirmations!

Life is coming at us fast! Everything is moving at a fast pace and there is both good and bad happening from a personal to a local and even on a global level and it can sometimes feel like you're sinking rather than swimming. So this article is written with the intention to help you turn your faith volume up with some bible verse affirmations paraphrased to help you set yourself up for a grandiose week, month and/or year of positive vibes and a motivated spirit.


"(My) eyes look straight ahead; (I) fix (my) gaze directly before you. (I) give careful thought to the paths for (my) feet and (I am) steadfast in all (my) ways. (I) do not turn to the right or the left; (I) keep (my feet) from evil." - Proverbs 4:25-27 (NIV)

We live in a world filled with distractions and so you have to be intentional about how you spend your time and more importantly sieve out what will have access to your time and it's frequency. So affirming your focus regularly, will lead you to starve out distractions and feed your focus.


"For God has not given (me) a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Our mind is what I deem as a private part because no one knows what you're thinking unless you expose it by sharing. Therefore guard your mind because if you invite fear it will become a home in your mind and will invite other furniture such as doubt, anxiety and disbelief to make your mind a home. So it is worthy to take captive of any negativity that wishes to wreak havoc in your thoughts and dilute it with an outpouring of faith and also positive action that moves with faith, that way you deny fear a home in you.


“(I am) being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that (I) may have great endurance and patience." Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

Life challenges will test you and they are never ending. In addition to that we may want certain outcomes within a certain timeframe but those expectations are never met and so it is important to remind yourself to exercise a dose of patience because by doing so, you learn the act of surrender and trusting God and his timing, because truly that's where the real rest in life is centred.


"(I) ask and (I) will receive, and (my) joy will be complete." - John 16: 24

Happiness is temporary because it is attached to what is happening and when that season is over the happiness ends. However joy is one that has deep roots unattached to anything and attached to a heavenly source, that being God. It remains in sorrowful times and is magnified in joyful seasons. So I urge you to seek not to be happy but to be joyful.


We are living in a time where things are changing abruptly and there is no time to come to terms with the change because life demands you to quickly adapt and move forward. I believe these few affirmations will help you keep the oil of your mind and heart in positive motion in a fast-paced moving life. They will keep you filled with faith even though the circumstances and certain life experiences are drenched with scenarios that would usually lead you to lean on the side of anxiety, fear, doubt, anger and hate.

May you have a faith-filled life because these are not the times to be unstable in your walk with God. In my recent bible study I have come to the conclusion that true faith is rest- the kind of rest that leads you to sleep even when the storm is happening. We need to be an image of Jesus in the boat where he is fast asleep when the boat is experiencing a storm (Mark 4:35-41). What we don't highlight enough in that story is how much trust Jesus had in the Lord that he could be in deep sleep despite him being on a boat that was close to sinking because of the storm. This story teaches us to realise that when you're in God's hands nothing or no one has the power to snatch you away from the palm of his hands (John 10:28). God is there to take care of us!

I wish for you to find that same rest Jesus had because the world is not taming down on crazy and unrest but rather it's multiplying it and so when life is shaky you must remain steady because of the word of the Lord!

Please share other bible verse affirmations in the comments section and lets start a God-filled motivational affirmation chain!

Hebrews 10:39 But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.


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