Tiger Wisdom Profile: Michelle Mason '15
?? Corinne Green Endres
Engagement Strategist / Relationship Builder / Jane of All Trades
Michelle Mason ’15 (new media interactive development) says RIT taught her the willingness and ability to adapt, a trait she’s found integral to her success in her career. When sharing her #TigerWisdom with the Class of 2020, Michelle echoed the importance of continued learning. “This will likely be one of the biggest transitions of your life…it is okay to pivot, to try new things, and to pursue things you weren’t planning on pursuing.”
After graduating from RIT, Michelle started as a web developer for Gorbel, the company where she co-oped as a student. She is now a web developer on Cisco’s Webex team, and she said it took her a full year of applying to jobs before she landed this opportunity, which she considers her “dream job” position. For the Class of 2020, she says the key is to “stay resilient and apply, apply, apply.”
“The best professional advice that I have received is to be confident in what I’ve learned and my abilities,” Mason shared. “It’s easy to compare yourself to others. You likely know more than you think you do, and your confidence in your abilities is a quality employers look for. Even if you have to fake it for a while, be confident!”.
Are you an RIT alum like Michelle? Share your #TigerWisdom with the Class of 2020 today: https://bit.ly/2zeh14P