If you’re fortunate enough you may have a special person in your life that you’ve known for a long time. It could be a brother, cousin, sister or maybe a friend.
He or she she could be a someone you've shared many experiences and special occasions with, perhaps been a little envious of at one time and not so much at another, but have always stood up for, worried about and never doubted.
If this sounds familiar I truly hope you this excerpt from It's Goodbye, It’s See You Later ―The Best is Yet to Come stirs some emotions in you, emotions that inspire you to share this article with the person with whom you have this special bond.
I have known you all my life, as you have me. I recall times we’ve laughed with one another, moments I envied you and times I did not. Instances, when I could have been there for you. Others when I was.
Still, I cannot forget the time I worried for your very being. It reminded me there was never a time I didn’t care. God willing there will also come a time when few will have known us as long. We will then be nearly all that remains of each other’s past.
As a new century dawns precious little will stay the same bringing with it new challenges and many changes. Our bond will endure.
? Richard Lawrence Belford
Richard is the author of "It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later; A Collection Of Inspirational Parables” and its newly released 2nd edition “The Best Is Yet To Come.”
In this life no one is promised tomorrow and we often leave or are left wishing we had just five more minutes. This makes grief one of society’s most profoundly difficult experiences that cannot be resolved by closure alone if there is even such a thing, but by the slow measure of acceptance that only the passage of time and words of comfort can provide.
GenZ Publishing believes It's Goodbye, It’s See You Later ―The Best is Yet to Come can provide that comfort and will not only inspire those who read its words to always say; “I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye", but also believe; “The best is yet to come!”
The book is available worldwide on If you would like to learn more please visit:
Richard has always felt that those who have experienced loss should support one another’s efforts to comfort others and is grateful to The Centering Corporation's Executive Director Janet Roberts and Grief Digest Magazine for theirs.
He would also like to thank Love What Matters for including his heartfelt stories in conjunction with their mission to celebrate love, compassion and kindness that provide the encouragement it takes to overcome life’s challenges.
"The world goes on without them, for most it goes unchanged. But, for some it will never be the same.” ― Richard Lawrence Belford
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