Ties that bind - A daughter's resolve
Jefremy Juari
Portfolio Manager | Sales Workflow Creator | Simplifying Complex Finance | Longlisted Oxford Writer 2024
Aisha sat watching the sunrise's rosy fingers stretch across the faded carpet of her childhood bedroom. Today she would try again to make amends with her brother.
So many years of pain had passed between them, going back even before their mother's untimely death. Aisha lamented all the times her father's sternness had driven Amir from their home, leading him to fall in with rough crowds and reject their family. If only Amir knew how their father truly felt beneath the harsh facade.?
Aisha cherished the long-ago evenings when it was just her and Father sitting together after Amir stormed off. Rahim would gently stroke her hair as he had when she was a child on his lap, and speak of his regrets. "You were always the easy child, never crying or getting into trouble. Not like your brother. He vexes me so! But never doubt I love him just as fiercely. My gruffness is just from wanting to prepare him to survive this world’s harshness. But perhaps I was too stern..."?
Aisha would lay her head on Rahim’s shoulder, wishing Amir could know their father's true heart. Those confiding moments nurtured hope in Aisha that one day her family could reconcile if only her brother would listen.?
But the years only drove Amir further away as he bloomed from a recalcitrant boy to an angry youth challenging their father at every turn. After their mother died, Amir was the one who needed nurturing most. But Rahim's own grief left him unable to provide it, and Aisha could not fill that void. She ached watching Amir flounder, knowing he disdained her for being the 'perfect' child he could never be.?
How wrong he was about her! She admired Amir's passion and courage to chart his own course. He reminded her of their mother in temperament. All Aisha wanted was to understand the well of hurt within him. But he rebuffed her overtures, believing she was their father's willing accomplice. It crushed Aisha to become estranged from the playmate who once crawled into her cot each night to listen to adventure stories till they both fell asleep.
Even when Rahim finally passed, Aisha could not break through Amir's ice. He shunned her during the mourning rituals, blocking out even their father’s death. Her heart cracked watching him storm off after the inheritance verdict. She poured her longing and hope for reconciliation into fervent prayers.
When Amir finally came to her demanding marriage, Aisha knew she must stand firm, though it pained her to defy him. She would not leave her studies unfinished to fulfill some desperate bid of his to be rid of her. For the first time, Aisha gave voice to the tender girl within who yearned for her brother’s affection, not more distance. She wished Amir could know the tenderness in her heart beneath her serene facade.?
Today, finally, she was ready to lay herself bare and tell Amir the full truth so they could move forward. She jumped at the sound of his footsteps outside her door and steeled herself.
Amir lingered in the doorway, arms crossed warily. Gently patting the bed, Aisha implored him sit. Haltingly, he did. Taking a deep breath, Aisha poured out everything - their father’s constant love for him, the stories Rahim told her of Amir’s lively boyhood, her refusal to marry being for Amir’s sake too. She asked forgiveness for times she failed him as a sister. Lastly, she confessed her abiding hope that one day he would return to the brother she knew and cherished.?
By the time the sun crested the horizon, bathing them in golden light, the ice around Amir’s heart had cracked. His shoulders shook with rare sobs as she embraced him. No more words were needed. The first step was taken. Slowly, they would rebuild what was lost.
Weeks later, Amir leaned casually in the courtyard watching Aisha teach a group of young girls science and medicine. Her patient voice stirred childhood memories of her guiding him gently when their parents could not. This Aisha was the sister he adored, not the prim, perfect daughter.?
One young girl spotted Amir and nudged Aisha shyly. "Who's that handsome man?" The girls giggled behind their hands.
Aisha smiled, beckoning Amir over. "This is my brother Amir. The best brother anyone could ask for." She laid a hand on his shoulder proudly.?
Amir ducked his head, cheeks colouring. For the first time in forever, he felt again like the gangly youth who wanted only his family's love. "Hello," he said softly to the smiling girls. Timidly, he joined the lesson, rediscovering the gentle heart he thought was lost forever. A heart finally ready to heal.
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This is a series of narratives discussing Legacy Planning:
4) Ties that bind : A Daughter's resolve