If the Tide Is Against You, Get Out of the Water

If the Tide Is Against You, Get Out of the Water

The current health insurance and healthcare systems have created a no-win situation for employers. As costs rise and employees struggle to navigate the system, employers are left with two choices: keep fighting an uphill battle or step outside the system where you can.

The Problem: Fighting a Losing Battle

Our system is built on quantity not quality, and specialty care over good primary care.

Employees get stuck in the system, and any attempt to reduce costs seems futile. Doctors are incentivized to keep employees in the system, meaning your company pays more while getting less.

So, what are your options?

Keep treading water OR get out of the water and walk on the beach.

The Solution: Walk on the Beach—Get Outside the System

We need health care providers, and we need insurance payors of course, but if you want better health insurance that actually costs less, employers will need to get out of the system where they can.

The current primary care model is built to keep your employees inside the system, moving towards specialty care, not away.

While there are a tremendous amount of studies proving this statement, we all know a 9 minute doctor's appointment is not good prevention or disease management. It only leads to increased higher margin specialty care.

It’s Time to Stop Treading Water

The tide is strong, and employers have been treading water for far too long. It’s time to recognize that you can’t win within the current system. The system is designed to keep costs high, and your company pays the price. But by getting out of the water and using strategies like care navigation and onsite clinics, you can take control of costs while improving the health of your employees.

At Synergy Healthcare, we’re here to help you walk on the beach. We believe if employers don’t supplement the current system by using innovative, employee-focused solutions, nobody is going to do it for you. The tide might be against you, but employers and their brokers have choices.


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