TIDAL WAVE of "bad loans" “Remember 2008” on single family homes.
Mr. Merabi spoke about CRE, and the personal homes that are currently, there is $138,658,150,000 worth of distressed single family homes, in which they are behind on their mortgages.
This is people who are behind on their mortgages more than 90 days.
These non-performing loans are sitting inside 4,542 different banks.
This is a TIDAL WAVE of "bad loans" “Remember 2008” on single family homes.
Anyone remembers the 2008?
The 2008 is going to happen ALL OVER AGAIN when these loans start getting foreclosed on.
Fortunately for us, these “bad loans” are actually REAL ESTATE DEALS which have tangible value.
Savvy smart investors (like Mr. Merabi & Colleagues) will jump in and make a killing on these "RE Home", buying them for 30, 40, 50% off of “fair market values” Rent them out or flip them with 20% profit.
Mr. Merabi explains about the banks, and the banking regulation. As we all know the banks are regulated, and they aren't allowed to keep "bad loans" on their books long enough to get "top Dollars" for them. This is a key understanding for CRE investors like us.
Mr. Merabi and his research department believe if you simply get on the correct side of the THIS TIDAL WAVE that is rapidly approaching us, then you can make a lot money.
We need to be well positioned to the upcoming Mortgage Meltdown #2 to make the most profit form it said Mr. Merabi TODAY.