TID-BIT Tuesday
Tony Skinner
Former Law Enforcement, Correctional Officer, Military Veteran, and Founder of Op6. 32+ years in the protection of others.
“Get Nosey”
Growing up, we’ve likely all been told, “Mind your own business and go play.” This was something we were taught at an early age – don’t mettle in what doesn’t concern you. Right? There was a degree of “programming” that went along with that. This is one of the things we have to work against, as Security Professionals.
As a Security Professional, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G becomes your “business.” There is always more going on around you than what meets the eye (s). We really have to change our view and almost “reprogram” our responses to what is going on around us, at all times. There will be things that make us go, “Hmmm” – that “gut feeling” inside of us that tells us, there’s something to that. These “gut feelings” will vary from person-to-person. They’re based, primarily, upon personal experiences. And we all have them.
In the event that something would alert us, causing us to “snoop” just a little deeper - strive to balance an investigative posture with not being abrasive or obtrusive. When attempting to make contact with an individual, always display a desire to help. Have an “attitude of servitude” in your demeanor. “Sir, can I help you with anything?” Or perhaps, “Ma’am, are you okay? Did you need help?” Be careful in your posture.
DO NOT FAIL to investigate, when merited. Do not stifle that “gut feeling.” ACT upon it. Look into it. Check-it-out. That man standing in the corner, “minding his own business,” may be in the “business” of stealing cars. Your parking lot may be on his menu. Don’t assume anything. He may not “look” like a problem, but he could wreck your day with mischief.
A coworker shows up, not acting quite “right.” They have bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, or they are hardly talking – staying to themselves. You know this is completely against “the norm,” for this social butterfly. Check it out. That individual may be under the influence of something, compromising the safety and integrity of all those around him. Or, he/she may be having a personal health crisis. Again, check it out. YOUR PROPERTY – YOUR BUSINESS! Your reaction may SAVE lives, or your inaction may COST lives. This is the reality of the position you are placed in. Understand it and never, ever take it for granted.
Until next time, keep alert – keep prepared – keep improving.
Armed Security Guard
2 年I watch lackluster companies provide sub-par service all night. Behind the property I patrol is an automotive body shop patrolled by Citadel. They literally drive into the lot turn around and leave, not even checking the entire property. The company I work for strives to be hands on and requires you own handcuffs before starting work. Not all services are the same, and not all security will actively protect your assets. I approach every situation differently, sometimes kindness and polite requests are all that is needed, other times my sheer presence stops drug activity before it begins, other times I have to be assertive and even aggressive when working my way towards making a detainment. Unfortunately too many guards prefer to "observe and report" without making contact. When you simply observe and report you're only guessing as to why that person is lingering or not realizing someone is actually trespassing.