Tick Tock Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick Tock

We have reached a most exquisite moment in the history of planet earth.?Many who have served as teachers, spiritual leaders, and “gurus” are wondering if they have become irrelevant. After all, a great deal of knowledge has come to light disclosing the falsehoods upon which much religious dogma, cultural norms and political theatre were built. But challenging the establishment is nothing new. It is in fact a healthy and necessary thing to do. Martin Luther in 1517 started the Protestant Reformation with nailing his 95 theses, a potent refutation of indulgences, to the Wittenberg Castle Church door. When asked to recant he replied?“Here I stand. God help me. I can do no other.”?His resolute argument of salvation by faith as opposed to salvation by works was a revolutionary idea which toppled the hold of the Catholic church over it’s parishioners and all of Christendom for years to come. LOL But “faith without works is dead”. ;)?

We are at another pivotal juncture, where careful analysis of what has been dispensed from public officials, media and religious entities, deserve our most careful scrutiny. The Doomsday clock tells us we are but 100 seconds from an apocalyptic end. I think they are being rather conservative! LoL Let’s take a look at some of the contributing elements of this inauspicious prognosis. After all, walking on marbles, lost from the cranium of public officials is a rather precarious enterprise, a very slippery slope indeed. LOL Let’s see what’s really going on. ?

  • ?Our economy is being gutted by filibusters, a pandemic, and the unreasonable demands on businesses to impose exclusionary health protocols.
  • Our nation’s producers of agricultural products have had to destroy crops due to erratic weather, closure of hotels, schools, and restaurants due to the pandemic.
  • Many imports have sat at sea waiting the green light to unload their cargo?with greatly increased costs of transport and prices due to pandemic-driven destabilization.
  • The manufactured Covid pandemic has been used to attempt control of our bodies, the last frontier of self-determination.?
  • Education has been tragically derailed by the irrational fears of adults, though kids have strong biological defenses via natural immunity and at least a 95% recovery rate.
  • The world is in protest against these absurd mandates, based not on good science but unregulated pharmacology which shows evidence of an assault on the body’s immune system.
  • Russia and China are determined to keep everyone on edge, with violent provocative maneuvers threatening the sovereignty of other nations, a precursor to WWIII. (Dr. Strangelove situation)
  • Media is saturated with tragedies, the focus of which can only lower your frequencies.?Their goal.
  • Glaciers are melting.
  • Sea level is rising
  • Earth’s plates are shifting precariously.
  • Climate change is on the move.
  • The information age is being intentionally restructured to create a more primitive existence.?

Just a few of the many end-game salvos in this plot to destroy humankind, who still fail to see their inestimable power!?Why EVERYONE hasn’t gotten up and said “enough is enough” is beyond me. They are a force to be reckoned with… 7 bil strong.?

So I am re-posting an excerpt here for a 15-minute solution, that will most assuredly turn this situation around.?You are absolutely essential, more valuable than you think, and your contribution will achieve a most potent remedy. Set aside some time each day to make this request and in conjunction with action, you will surely succeed, regardless of how this plays out. Irrefutably, it is a frequency war and we are the creators of our own resonance.

“We call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All That Is, the Creator Source Energy from which we came!

“We ask to be fully engaged in the Ascension of our own spirits and consciousness, and to move along the Ascension path in Joy and Grace.

“We call forth healing for all aspects of our mind, body, and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions on this or any planet we have ever lived on.

“We ask to be engaged fully as Light Bearers, and call forth complete Divine Guidance, Direction, and Assistance in our Earth missions we drew up before birth.

“We call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure Love—the Divine Feminine in all Her Creational power, and the Divine Masculine and all His Divine Protection.

“We call forth the assistance of all Beings in the higher realms serving within the Office of the Christ [the crystalline energy consciousness] to assist Earth at this time!

“We petition you now: Move swiftly with the Legions of Light to release and dissolve for all time-space,?all impediments to the full enactment of NESARA law.

“We petition you now: Move swiftly with your Legions of Light to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness, all toxicity, all war and warlike action to which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body, or spirit.

“We call forth and require Divine Healing for all, Divine Protection for all, Divine Guidance and Encouragement for all upon the Earth at this time.

“We blaze the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, to envelop the entire Earth and all Her people, and all Earth systems, experiences, and conditions!

“We petition you now, Angelic Legions and the Galactic forces, including all members of the Ashtar Command: Assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment.

“And we call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth Beings who represent in higher levels the souls of all trees and plants, all rock and soil, all animals, air, water, and ethers—

“Hear us now! “Join with the Ascended Masters and the power of all our souls, and break forth, through the false shields that have for too long blocked your empowered interventions and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet!?“Pave the way for NESARA’s enactment, including complete disclosure of the non terrestrial and extradimensional beings who live on and around Her in this Universe!?“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures around the planet, and those carrying out their orders.

Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including announcement of the tribunals and trials that these ones and their false overlords will now face.

Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment?by steadying the heart-mind of every child, woman, and man on the Earth so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of all life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and Her beings.

“And pave the way for our ability to rejoice, to give Thanks, to know that this is so, now and ever more. “That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent humanity, living in free and independent states, nations, and villages.

“Hear us now, and answer in the fullest possible measures! We call upon you, knowing?the Time is Now?for these unprecedented, benevolent interventions to be accomplished!

“We welcome you, friends and beloved family members, and we give Thanks, we give Thanks, we Give Thanks!

“And so it is. Namaste!”

As you speak all of this, actively visualize, with Joy equal to the strength of your declaration, that every needed form of intervention is happening now.

If our phrasing here is not comfortable for you, find your own words—and speak them daily!?Visualize the ships landing.

Visualize Captain Ashtar on the screen of your computer and smartphone, announcing NESARA’s full enactment.

Visualize the old warlords and false authorities being led away onto the ships (as many are currently doing, in any event).

Image watching the intergalactic trials and tribunals that will determine what becomes of them.

And image the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced!

The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy . . .

The eradication of all war, all debt, all social and political oppression — all of it, in living color, as they say.

Then carry the power of that resolute inner Knowing with you throughout the rest of your day.

Carry the Joy of knowing, “This is real, now!” as you carry the energy of that reality with you even into your sleep state.

This will empower every cell of your body, every energetic molecule of your heart-mind and spirit, to help mold these events and carry them into physical reality.

None of this need take longer than 15 minutes, if it takes even that long—and the result?

You will be liberating your planet, dear ones.

Yes, you are that powerful, and you are that crucial to Earth’s journey now.

From there, Ascension unfolds to new heights every moment.

Not because you require to be rescued, or because Earth is a hopeless case otherwise.

But because from Joy you were birthed, and now to Joy you return. It is a condition of the high heart that reveals to you the heights of your own spirit.”

And so it is.

Credits to Channel Caroline Oceana Ryan?and to all our non-terrestrial friends who have helped us in innumerable ways! ?

The principles on which our nation was founded have not lost their virtue or potency; they simply need to be implemented. What’s your purpose you ask? Restoring the dream: a world where men are free, our future has been reclaimed, and all men live joyfully and in peace... all unique expressions in the stream of consciousness.


https://youtu.be/1w06oBC5hIM???This is a great country.?

Martin Luther and the 95 Theses - Summary, Origins & Video - HISTORY

MD Sohel Rana

Digital Marketing Specialist at Outsourcing BD Institute

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