Thy will be done paper.

Thy will be done paper.

Michael Kusi

University of Christocracy

Archbishop Alexander


??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? God’s will be done.

God’s will be done is important for Christocratic governance. The will of God is that what is done on earth is manifested in heaven. The Governance of Christ is ruled by prophecy. The Bible says in Isaiah 9:6 that the government shall be upon his shoulders.[1] In many countries that have a monarchy, the robes of the monarch are placed upon the monarch’s shoulders. For a general, the stars of the general’s rank are also upon the shoulders. In traditional Hebrew culture, the ark of the covenant was carried upon the shoulders of the priests. [2]Only the priests could carry the ark of the covenant. The ark of the covenant would sometimes accompany the Israelites into battle.[3]

Therefore, the government of Christ and the will of God is a covenant between Christ and the Christocrat, that asserts that since the Christocrat has been redeemed, then he has the implicit prerogative to rule and reign over the earth.? The shoulders of Christ is the body of believers who know that Christ is Lord and reigns over the earth. This is a covenant that is meant to be enforced regardless of the spiritual warfare between the body of Christocrats and the enemy.

The ?will of God is that the government will be on his shoulders. The government will be on his shoulders is the Hebrew word Misrah.[4] It means to rule and have dominion. God gave the government to mankind, but it was usurped by the enemy in an illegitimate manner. That was not the will of God, but God? respects choice. When Jesus was triumphant over the forces of darkness, he was given a name that is above every name and the power of dominion over all of creation.[5] The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ created a legal pathway for Christ to have authority over all of the earth and to take control over the power of the earth from the enemy. [6] Therefore we as Christocrats exercise that dominion over the devil. We do not have to fall prey to his wicked schemes, because we have been redeemed.

Christocracy means the governance by God’s representatives here on Earth, as Christ rules in heaven.? Governance is the authority that God has given us to exercise dominion over all facets of creation. As representatives on Earth, God has given us the power to speak on his behalf. Rulership means that God is our commander-in-chief, and we are authorized to carry out the mandate of the Most High.

God governs by the Trinity. The Trinity is the arm of governance for the Most High. Jesus can be seen as having the typology of the Executive Branch, the Holy Spirit has the typology of the Legislative Branch, and God the Father has the Typology of the Judicial Branch. The Executive Branch enacts laws in being, the Legislative Branch helps to create the government, and the Judicial Branch decides in righteousness cases which are brought before it. In the Bible it says, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In the beginning was the Word was the pre-incarnate Christ, the Word was with God is the Holy Spirit, and the Word was God is God the Father.

God governed from the beginning of time. Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And the Spirit of God sat upon the face of the waters. This is God preparing to perform a work, because he said in Jeremiah 1- I am watching over my word to perform it.? And when God said, this is Christ in action. This is Christ making his creation and acting in his authority as Chief Executive to create and to make, to enact what the Godhead had agree to. And every day God said, It is good, It is good, 7 days God made creation and 7 days God said, in perfect judgment, that it is good.

God gave Adam dominion, to rule over the earth as God’s representative. This is the ideal situation for the earth, that Adam ruled and listened to God. But Satan tempted Adam, and the cord that tied God to Adam, that had God walking down to talk with Adam, was forever cut. We lost dominion and Satan gained dominion over the Earth. But God was raising up a people through which he could rule.

The concept of theocracy is interesting because it is God-centered government. The Israelites were ruled by theocracy until they wanted a king, and even then God was supposed to take part in their affairs. But the kingship of Israel was a flawed system in that they kept on turning away from God. God promised David that he would provide an heir for him that would reign forever. God promised in Isaiah that the government will be upon his shoulders. What is on his shoulders is the triumph of the cross, bought for by the blood of Jesus for the remission of sin.

Jesus said? to Peter that on this rock he will build his church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Gates are a defensive weapon, which means that the body of believers known as Christocrats must be on the attack. We must be on the offensive against the enemy because God has given us the victory. Gates are also meant to keep someone out. We as Christocrats must recognize that it is our rightful inheritance to rule the Earth. The Devil is an illegitimate ruler and has put up gates to protect what is not his. Therefore, we must take back what the enemy stole and claim it as our rightful possession. This is the will of God.

A rock is a strong foundation, which means that we as Christocrats must know what we believe. We must put on the whole armor of God, but armor is used for fighting. Paul said that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Part of governance is to build, and we must help build the new world in God’s image. We must recognize that we have a part to play, and that God is counting on us to advance his kingdom

The beginning of the beginning in Genesis 1. Satan and all of the angels were not created when God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1 was before the angels were created. The triune majesty was the only one that was there. The beauty of the earth would be part of it, but what sparked Lucifer’s rebellion was that God was receiving all of the worship. In Ezekiel 28, it says that Lucifer was anointed as the guardian cherub. He was the one who was responsible for leading the worship of the angels to God.[7]

However, Lucifer viewed the worship of the angels towards God and desired to have that same worship towards him. This was not God’s will, but this was Lucifer’s choice. God’s traveling to earth made Lucifer jealous. Lucifer said in his mind when he was the leader of worship that he deserved to be praised. One of the things that made Lucifer mad as choirmaster was the beauty of worship in the heavenlies towards God. Those that play instruments oftentimes get lost in the beauty of praising. It is just the tip of worshipping the redeemer. The fact that God received all of the worship did not make the Devil happy.

Iniquity built in his heart until he wanted to be on the same level as God. So he led a rebellion in heaven, but was cast out of heaven by Michael and his archangels, who were acting as God’s army.[8] Isaiah 14 laments how Lucifer fell from his high position in heaven to become nothing, because he wanted to usurp the exalted place of God.[9]

The author of Genesis 1:1 here points to a definite beginning of the universe, and in the beginning God is seen to be very active. Whatever God comes upon, he comes upon to bring life. The Hebrew word for beginning is b’reishit, which means in the beginning of. So the translation would more correctly read In the beginning of, God created.? This points to time having a beginning and that although time has a beginning, God, who is the active Creator of the universe, does not have a beginning or end. The Hebrew word for created is bara, which is a verb that means He created. Whatever begins to exist must have a cause, and here the author of Genesis is differentiating between the heavens and the earth, which have a beginning, and God, who is infinite. God is the cause of all life, and here it shows monotheism by showing God in the singular. This verse also points to the Spirit of God hovering over the waters. The Holy Spirit takes an active part in the affairs of creation and of mankind.

In verse 1 of Genesis 1 it says that the earth was without form and void. Since in the beginning God placed everything in place, God created the earth properly. God does not do any haphazard thing, because he is an organized God. Suddenly, the earth was without form and void, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep. Something had happened.

There is a gap between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Genesis 1 said that God created the heavens and the earth. And Genesis 2 said that because of the revolt of heaven, there was a cataclysmic events that? made the Earth formless and deep. The Spirit of the Lord moved to protect the surface of the Earth and patrolled the Earth. Genesis 1:3 states that God began speaking into the Earth. According? to Genesis 1, God created the earth. In Proverbs 8, he was there when God lay a foundation to the Earth. The same way God created man in Genesis 2. Light is commanded to appear in Genesis 1:3a and Light responds to the command in Genesis 1:3b.

??????????? Because of the? revolt or cataclysmic event in heaven, the earth was leveled off? and became formless and water formed on the deep. The earth is now useless and there is a? gap restoration. According to verse no#2, it became formless. Nothing could be useful and it had no life and no way of operating. The earth was void. The Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the deep. Water was over the surface of the entire earth. The impact of the rebellion was that God put waters on the earth. Verse 2a and 2b of Genesis 1 were different points in time.

The event took place in heaven that influenced the earth. There was war in heaven. Because there was war in heaven the Devil was cast out. In verse 3, and God in the infiniteness of power said let there be light. The heavens responded to the earth because the earth was for God’s beauty. This beautiful place was where God took vacations and a decision was made from heaven. Restoring the earth.

Light is commanded to appear in Genesis verse 3a and light responded to the command in Genesis verse 3b. The word be is to let it come to its place. It was the will of God for there to be light. Verse 3a and 3b is critical to understanding the full plan of God. Everything in our scientific world is to challenge God, but science is inferior to revelation. Science is meant to understand that God is the sustainer of the world. It is the will of God that science be subordinate to revelation. God saw the light and it was good. The light and the power and the separation of day and night. Everything else is commanded and spoken into.

God called the firmament heaven. Verse 25 says that God created creeping things. God said that let us create man in our images. God spoke everything else back into existence. Genesis 1:1, that became formless and void, there was no man. All kinds of animals and beasts must have been there when God forced the earth to be subject to man.

A major part of the reason that the earth became formless was because of Lucifer’s rebellion. Satan was cast out and sent out. God did not want Satan to have a place on earth because God wanted the earth for himself. Satan would have made an empire for himself on Earth. God wanted to create man in his image. Satan was not created in the image of God. Angels are not created in the image of God. Only man is created in the image of God. If all of the other things were spoken into existence, only man is created in the image of God after his likeness.

The responsibility of man was that man would govern the Earth according to God’s plan. It was not to be ruled by Satan. God created the heavens and reigned in it, but he created the earth for man to reign. God created man to have dominion. Man will rule for the glory and the honor of God.? God congratulated them and said that you are crowned. God had never done anything like that before. God remained eternal and glorious.

The word Adam is the Hebrew word for earth, adama. It speaks to Adam’s origin, because he was created out of the dust of the ground. God said let us make man in our image after our likeness, and breathed the breathe of life into him.[10] Man was created from dust but it took breathe to make him life. Also, man was created with a plan and purpose, which is to seek after God and be like God.The word Adam is made up of 3 Hebrew letters, alef, which is the first letter of the alphabet and the first part of the word Adam.[11]

This is? followed by dalet, and mem, that together makes up the second part of dam. Dam means blood and it shows that God gave not only the breath that gives life, but also the blood that gives life too. When Jesus shed his blood, it gave mankind His blood, and God affirms in the Bible that there is life in the blood. God always intended for blood to give life. God said in Zechariah that because of the blood of His covenant he has set us free. The letter aleph means one who exercises dominion, as God told Adam to have dominion over the Earth and subdue it. Because of Jesus as the second Adam we have that dominion of Adam. Jesus never returned to the dust as man, but rose again and as a result we are free.

?Genesis 2:24- Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Help Meet- Ezer Kenegado.

This word means ezer kenegado in Hebrew. God affirms that the newly created Adam needs a helper. So he does not make one from the dirt like he did Adam but creates one organically out of him from Adam’s rib. The first word means help.? The second word has the root noun of negad and it first means like. Just as Eve was like Adam she was like God, and in Adam and Eve is found the full likeness of God. Adam himself said she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, affirming this dual likeness.

Adam needed help to talk to when God was not there, help to exercise dominion, and help to speak to God on someone’s behalf. Just as God could not worship himself, Adam needed someone to talk to God about, to praise God for his goodness. The earth was made by Lord and man exercised dominion, but Eve was created as a larger purpose of mankind, that there might be completeness. Because Adam looked at the animals and they all had a companion, but he was alone. God worked on Adam when he was asleep. Sometimes God works on our wishes, problems, and prayers when we are not noticing so God would bring our solution to our attention. The word neged also means to bring face to face. Just as God brought the animals face to face to Adam to name and show his approval. God said that creation was good, but Adam put the names on creation. God also said it was not good for man to be alone, but Adam said that this was Bone of my Bone and flesh of my flesh. Adam stood on God’s word to speak the glory of God.

The Hebrew word for side is Tsala. God worked on Adam’s side to make Eve in Genesis 2:21-22.[12] The common thought is that God took out Adam’s rib, but God did a more complex and wonderful work. He took out? Adam’s side, as his role as the Great Physician. [13]First God was a psychiatrist who said that it was not good that Adam would be alone. Then God was a surgeon who made Adam a helpmeet from his own side, which he closed up and healed. Finally

God was the Judge in the Garden of Eden, who gave Adam and Eve marriage and

said that it was good. The same thing happened to Jesus in the cross. There was a penetration into Jesus side the same way there was a penetration into Adam’s side. Jesus walked in the

Garden of Gethsemane just as Adam walked in the Garden of Eden. But God said

that it is not good for Adam to be alone, but at the time of Jesus’ passion, he was

alone. But because Jesus brought us close to God, we have relationship forever.


God blessed man in verse 28. The equation for rulership is structural. Man is made in the image and likeness of God and responsibility is to rule over God’s creation. That is man’s assignment. The whole purpose of the triune majesty was that the Earth be governed and ruled by mankind. The Holy Spirit was the helper. God is speaking the Earth into existence. The Five Package or Equation for the Dominion of the Earth. The first is to be fruitful and multiply. 1) Be fruitful, 2) Multiply, 3) Replenish, 4) Subdue, 5) Have Dominion.? The Creation of Man was the final act of creating. This was to be the best of God and the glory of the triune Majesty. Even Lucifer was not greater.

The Garden of Eden was very glorious when God created it. The Bible says in Genesis 2:8 that God planted the Garden of Eden.[14] This planting means that God created the Garden with intention. [15] This planting of the Garden is also different from the way that God created the earth, in that God did not just speak the Garden into existence but formed and fashioned it as a unique creation. God said that he would make the wilderness of Zion like Eden, therefore Eden was the highest standard of excellence in creation by God.[16] Jesus could say to his disciples that he would prepare a place for them with confidence because he had already gone and prepared a place for Adam in the Garden of Eden.[17]

Satan and all of the angels were not created and formed when God created the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1:1. The Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were the only entities that were there at the beginning of creation. God said that let us create mankind in our image and after our likeness. This admonition means that mankind was meant to be the creation that most resembled God and his power. Angels were not meant to perfectly resemble God and his authority, but mankind is. The fallen enemy and his angels did not resemble the best good in creation.

This is a mystery that is made known in the Word that mankind was created last but he was not created least. He was created to take dominion over all of creation that was made before him. God has intended for mankind to embrace the beauty and the joy of the Earth.? Mankind was created to worship God not as a supplement to angelic worship but as his own entity.

As a Christocrat, I have inherited the power of Jesus Christ. He is the second Adam and the firstborn. While mankind is the firstborn creation, Christ is God’s only Son. He came to save mankind from sin and to give us dominion over the enemy. I believe that whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. I have the authority to trample on serpents including the head of the enemy that tempted Eve. I was created in the image of God to worship God with full power. God made me in his image to strive for the best

and to do the will of God.

Under God, mankind is the greatest creation that God has made. David said that God has crowned mankind with glory and honor.? David as a king understood the power that God gave to mankind. God has endowed mankind to have power.? Mankind was intended to have the best that God could offer. God made mankind to be king and regent over the Earth. The intent of God was for mankind to have full power and dominion over the Earth. God did not mention the Devil in his admonition to Adam and Eve to subdue because it would have been understood that he was part of what was conquered by God for man.

The responsibilities of mankind, God gave to no other creation. All of the other creation could speak, but only mankind could have a personal relationship with God on the Earth.? In order for mankind to have his full potential, he had to serve God. Satan saw this relationship between mankind and God outside of the gates of Eden and hated it. He wanted to be ruler over the Earth and oppress man and eventually get to the point when he could subjugate and oppress God. Not even Gabriel or Michael, who are two archangels, are greater than man.

The Earth is very important to God and he entrusted Earth to his most important creation. The Garden of Eden was man’s White House, and mankind was intended to rule from there and govern from there. The Garden of Eden was not supposed to be a stationary place, but was supposed to spread all over the Earth.

??????????? There was a Creation of a Palace for Governance This was God’s will. The seat of the government for the Garden of Eden. The Garden was a functional location for the dominion of the earth. All that was to be desired was in it. The infrastructure of the Garden ?was beautiful and perfect.

There was a mist from the Earth that watered the ground. God built it east of the Garden. God put man in the garden to operate and caused every tree and plant to grow, even the Tree of Life. There was a River that went to water the ground, and was divided into 4 rivers. The first river is Pishon, which is the land of gold. All that was to be desired was in the palace. Eden was a place of peace. It was a place of rulership. When places are built for presidents and kings, they do not compare to Eden. The Palace of the King of the Earth whose name is Adam. He wants us to get insight into what he thought of man. How God placed man in this capacity to rule.

Man today is very different from the Garden of Eden and Adam. It is a counterfeit design. The second river is Gihon, which ran through Cush and Africa. This was full of diamonds and wealth. The name of the third is Tigris which ran through the Euphrates. The content of the palace was indicative of God’s thought towards creation.????????? God gave Governing and Ruling Instructions. 1) To rule, rules must be observed and obeyed. Instructions can not be gotten over with. Experience some unusual grace. The world cannot surpass it. Revelation is key for this reason. We have not reached this potential. One of the things we will study over the next semesters is the history of the restored man. For a long time we did not know about the salvation of man, because mankind had corrupted it.

One of the rules was to eat all fruit except one. Everything that he had given to Adam in terms of discipline that behold a king. It was God’s will that Adam reside in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes we think that our faith is cheap and we don’t experience the supernatural as a result.? To follow the rules of God is to enjoy the highest blessing that is available. It was not hidden but reserved for. God reserved it for his glory and infinite power. God said that you would not eat this particular fruit called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.?? The lie was that it was hidden.

There is a? difference between honor and deprivation. Honor is the fact that you as a prince are worthy to know but you cannot use. There are things that can be used now and can be used later. God said that he has given mankind all of the fruit, but that mankind cannot eat of the Tree of Knowledge or he would die. Sin brings deprivation.? The process of that is emphasized in verse 28. Be fruitful and multiply and replenish and subdue and take dominion.

The process of this Dominion is structural in nature. They are interdependent, all are needed to guarantee the position. The ultimate outcome is determined by the Triune Majesty. The structural process of Dominion cannot be ignored. The first structural requirement is fruitfulness, the second structural requirement is multiply. Mankind is living outside of our mandate if we live in poverty.


Replenish- There will be a need from time to time, this is in your nature as it is with Elohim. When there was an issue with the Earth, God solved it.

Subdue- It is your authority and position of power as that of the Triune God for you to bring every rebellion into subjection and dominion. You cannot allow any rebellion to stop you.

Have Dominion- It is your possession and it is your responsibility. God lay out the structural processes and this understanding is fundamental. God said everything for? a reason. Purpose Priority and Dominion, if you do not know your purpose, you will easily decamp. To know who you are is to have power over circumstances. The enemy challenges us that we don’t know or that he knows more than us.? The University of Christocracy is meant to equip people to teach.?

The Image of God was to represent everything that was of God and the glory of the Triune Majesty. There was nothing greater that God created than man, including Lucifer. Angels are powerful, but not more powerful than man.? Man stands next to God Almighty. Not Gabriel or Michael is greater than man. The Earth is very important to God.

The Garden of Eden was a palace of rulership. It was elevated and well-designed and would facilitate governance to rule. Think of the White House. The Garden of Eden was the White House of Adam and Eve. It was in Eden that Adam are instructed to reign and to rule the Earth. God created man and he did not have the help. Mankind is created and women is created.

?In chapter 3, the Bible says that God made this beautiful garden. After Adam named everything that God had brought to him in the animals. Adam is now placed in the Garden, the Palace of Eden, and God has placed mankind there.

God did not intend for us to go down for conquering the enemy without a serious engagement. God is there to help you fight, or disobedience against God. Disobedience is the lack of fight of the enemy. Let us look at Revelation. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The warfare or expedition for military takeover are not carnal but are awesome through God.

Satan has come to start talking. The question was that did the animals normally talk in the garden. The animals used to talk in the garden, that was how Satan came to talk to Eve. Satan was taking the voice of the serpent. The manipulation of the woman by his line of questioning. The devil did not force man, because he did not have such power. The sin of treason and it was critical. Man was not created to serve as a servant, he was created to govern and to rule. Man cooperated with Satan. As a result of man’s disobedience was an abdication of the throne. Adam voluntarily abdicated the throne. Adam’s decision was an act of treason.

In Genesis 3, the serpent tempted Eve.. The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. Eve said that we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God said that we will not eat of it or touch it.

Adam was filled with the Holy Spirit. The very triune God breathed into him. In their state of being children of God, they disobeyed their Creator. Adam was a trustee and he seemed to miss the point. That means that Adam was tapped into God, in that the names that God gave Adam was able to be duplicated on Earth.

Adam foolishly and mistakenly allowed himself to be caught. Obedience is not negotiable. The serpent said ?that you eat this particular food you will be like God. Your eyes will be open. This was the trick of the dastardly serpent. The day that you eat of this fruit your eyes will be open. No, because God made it clear to Adam that he was to have all authority.

God had given instruction to Adam and God took him by the hand and gave him instruction to cultivate and maintain. All kinds of trees would grow for the soil. It was good and also a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river flows and run through the Garden. Adam is in charge, but the devil wanted to usurp this authority.

You must not eat of the tree of knowledge. This is the only one? that God said not to eat. If you eat, you will surely die, or cease to be like God. Cease to occupy the fullness. Mankind would cease to have a relationship with God because then mankind would be full of sin. Take the word of God in verse no. 17 of chapter 2 and compare it with chapter 3 verse no. 3, concerning the fruit of the tree that is in the Garden. ??????????? Eve said that You must not eat of it and not touch. The major error in these two statement that could have been the root for

man to penetrate and man became defenseless. Mankind lost his glory, because he failed to


acknowledge why God said not to eat the fruit. God told mankind not to eat the fruit not because he


wanted to deprive man, but because he loved man. Real love must be a choice, and God gave


mankind the choice to either love him or disobey him out of infinite love.


It was a very secure place. Satan could not come in. There was an infiltration. The serpent was the most subtle. He got an arrangement with the Devil. The Devil did not have the right to be in the Garden of Eden. The Devil had to go through the serpent. We know the discussion. He stepped in and charmed the woman by lying? and manipulating the woman. Had God said you shall not eat of the tree of any garden. The woman replied that we may eat of the fruits of the trees of the garden, but one tree we may not eat of it and not touch it.? The woman said that we shall surely die. The serpent said that ye shall not surely die.

The Devil said that God deceived you. You shall be as gods knowing good and evil. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it looked good and that it was desirable for wisdom. Man has taken the fruit in chapter 3 and has eaten. If we don’t know what happened we will not be able to govern. The fruit is eaten and judgment came upon the Earth.

Mankind deceived himself. It is a popular saying as an excuse that the Devil made someone do it but the Devil cannot make anyone do anything. He can make sin seem enticing but he cannot make man to sin. The choice of sin is man’s decision. God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree because the day they would eat it they would die. And the day they ate of this Tree, they were judged for their sins and had a spiritual death. They were now set apart from God and in order to atone, there had to be a different relationship. Now God was not the one who stepped in the Garden in the cool of the day to talk to them, he was the God who had to be sacrificed to with a clean heart in order to communicate.

Mankind deceived himself into thinking that he could be someone apart from God. He deceived himself by believing the Devil’s lie that God was withholding the best from them. Adam and Eve believed the trap of the enemy, but they were given the Word of knowledge and should have been able to vanquish him. Adam and Eve were given the ability to subdue, and they should have banished the enemy so that he could not tempt them anymore. However, God in his infinite mercy did not destroy man, but gave him a chance to be redeemed through prophecy.

It was not just a case where Mankind was right, persuaded or stretched. The Devil in his temptation to Eve never mentioned that he was removed from the Garden of Eden for the same pride that he was urging Eve to possess. He never mentions the rebellion or the fall from heaven to Eve. Eve was mistaken in believing that the Devil came from a righteous place and had a valid opinion as to the righteousness of God.

?The Devil came and charmed the woman by lying to and manipulated the woman. It would not have been a stretch for the woman to take authority and vanquish the enemy, but the woman did not take hold of the Word. She misinterpreted the Word of God and therefore left the door open to temptation. God told her that the day she would eat she would die and he was telling the truth. The Devil told her that Eve would be a God and he was lying. She was already like God.

God came down in the cool of the day. The two had taken themselves into the trap of the enemy. They heard the voice of the God walking in the palace and God called out.

. Man cooperated and coordinated with Satan, it was not coerced. His decision was an act of treason, a sin of betrayal. ?It was not the will of God.It was the step that he took that dethroned him. That cannot happen and it must not happen in your life. God recognized what was and the need to guarantee what he put in place. Judgment was the only option for the throne after man had fallen. Man had surrendered the throne, but God’s will is eternal. Every action has its consequence. Righteousness could not let rebellion reign. Adam’s disobedience and that of his wife mandated a righteous response. Judgment is an attempt to recycle and bring to pass a righteous act. If God did not judge, he would not be a righteous God.

God called unto Adam. Adam said that he heard the voice of God and he was afraid and he hid. God asked who said that he was naked? Did he eat of the fruit. Adam blamed the wife. The wife blamed the serpent. The woman said that the serpent deceived me and she ate. The Lord God said to the serpent, because you have done this, God will take care of the serpent. The secret to revelation is lining up with God’s original intent. Understanding what God has done and what God will do.

The throne would have the final say, because the throne would have to deal with the consequences of man’s rebellion. God must respond in righteousness. To explain this important fact that God had no choice but to judge and he judged. Summary Judgment from the throne. There are three levels of judgments. 1)The serpent’s judgment was immediate and final.? The serpent was cursed to be on its belly. It was instantaneous. The legs entered into its stomach and it became a snake.

Satan’s judgment that God gave to the enemy. He said to the woman, the seed of the woman shall crush the serpent’s head and you shall bruise its heel. The serpent’s head will be destroyed for eternity and mankind would be restored to his righteous position through Jesus Christ. Satan does not have a right unless you allow him and you should not allow him. There is redemption insight.

There is no difference between man and woman from a equality standpoint. The control of woman by man had limitations until the seed of the woman overcame the archenemy of God The man was given authority to rule. Because man had eaten of the tree of knowledge, cursed is the ground. In sorrow shall though eat of it. Man had no excuse. All of that positions man for a great work.

The confused King who was? Adamcalled his wife Eve. They understood what God meant by judgment. His plan is to rule not knowing the cost. His backing is now withdrawn. Human government will now start. That was not God’s will, but that was Adam’s choice. ?Human government is government without the backing of God. Human government starts with man and ends with man. Satan is not a partner or a friend in governance (John 10:10). His intent is to steal, to kill and to destroy. That is all his intention.? All that came before Christ are thieves and robbers, but Christ is the true shepherd-king. Man is now out there.

You see the commotion of history and now we will move into dispensationalism. The judgment takes place in the palace. The serpent is disarmed. Not exiting naked but covered. God initiated a plan by covering.

Sacrifice was the evidence of Hope. The Garden is preserved by verses 22-24.

Man did not ask God to kill the animal. Adam was covering himself by the leaves and he will exit. The leaves was not sufficient. It was temporal and had eternal impact. God looked for animals, and he knew what animal skin is better.

God understood well in advance because God operates by plan. The serpent had deceived man and man is under the spell of the devil and trapped by the enemy. The spell is a serious one. God does not cheapen and operate like man. God cursed the serpent and took away his legs. The other judgments are in the future but God said that he was cursed above all cattle. The three judgments are critical. There is no need to spend time on the subtle serpent. God was addressing the serpent just as he was collaborating with Satan.

?God always knew that Satan was floating everywhere. He took a third of the angelic hosts with him. God is never moved by this issue. That is what makes him God. You don’t have any other source of knowledge. All of our information end up in the Bible. All reference comes back to the Bible.? God is going to reset the earth. The Earth will not be destroyed. The woman is deceived, but God will put enmity between the woman and the devil, between their seeds, and the word bruise means to crush. The woman will crush his head and the serpent will crush her heel. This judgment is permanent. Satan that were fooling around then, there will be a total elimination of his power. The day Jesus died and was resurrected, the power of the enemy was crushed forever. We must never give credit to the enemy.

God said that he would greatly multiply thy sorrow and the desire shall be to the husband and he shall rule over her. This is judgment no#2. Judgment No#3- Adam was judged and cursed is the ground for thy sake. Thorns shall it bring, and the sweat of the face shall Adam eat bread, and he shall become dust. The only permanent judgment is that of the Devil. Man exited the palace by his action. The enemy is taking over by default. Adam is going to work by himself. They have handed over by virtue of knowledge and skill.

The plans will crawl until Jesus comes. The insight will come when Jesus is here. You must understand the purpose of God until Jesus comes. God has now made a sacrifice and man is covered in his exposure. Life under the dim light begins. The challenge was between God and Satan. The process will begin. Adam did not understand the full extent of his mess. He would grasp the fact that he is in trouble every single day. They did not know what it meant to have a baby or what it meant by toil. The ground would rebel and children would be borne under the attacks of the enemy. Those are characteristics of Satan. The Adamic dispensation would begin until Noah.

After man was expelled from the garden God secured the garden. It has to deal with eternity. The redeemed ones still die. God sent an angel with a flaming sword to keep people out of the Garden of Eden. A rebel could have snuck in and lived eternally. God did not deceive man. God locked up the Garden of Eden. Jesus said that it is in the Father’s hands. You will earn eternal life through Jesus Christ.

God knew that Satan would come with tricks, but God wanted to deal with man. Jesus knows

everything but he does not rebel. God left man with wisdom and power. The Devil did not force

Adam to eat the fruit. It is important for us to do out of the will of God. God is all-knowing and

wanted man to rejoice and to do what he had to do. God knew but God had confidence in man.

God is never overtaken by any situation. God believes in man. Once we close the recording will

God spread us all over the world, but that was the plan and purpose of God. They said that let us build a tower to the heavens lest we be scattered over the Earth. God told them, through Noah and Noah’s sons to replenish the Earth.


[1] Holman Christian Standard Bible, Isaiah 9.6

[2] Holman Christian Standard Bible, Joshua 3:17.

[3] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1 Samuel 4:4.

[4] Dr. Christian Harfouche, Dr. Robin Harfouche, Battles of the Elohim, They Walked as Men, Destiny Image Publishers,Shippenburg, PA, 2011 pg 13.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ezekiel 28:14.

[8] Revelation 12:4- The Bible speaks of a dragon who swept a third of the stars out of the sky and brought them towards earth. These stars can be seen as one-third of the angels who decided to cast aside their heavenly positions and to follow Lucifer. They fought against the Almighty God and could not prevail, and were cast out of heaven.

[9] Isaiah 14:14.









[14] Genesis 2:8

[15] 7 Interesting Things You May Not Have Considered About the Garden of Eden - Biblica - The International Bible Society

[16] Isaiah 51:3.

[17] John 14:3


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