Ardhendu Kumar Bose
Head of Strategy (Digital) : #ardhendukumarbose Imaginative Innovator, Implementer and Guarantor of targeted profits
"I am looking unto your faces with thirstful eyes, my thirst will be met at that very moment when you will begin to live for others and your spirit will be purified by the holy fire of pious penance.
The day you will be blind towards self interest, not aim towards comfort, be nonchalant towards the adversities, the day you will sit up on your mother's lap without any anxiety but full of everlasting bliss that day I will be at peace with the Holy Ghost!
The day your mind will not be swayed by evil provocations, the day your ears will not respond to the rackets, the day you will not retreat from warlike struggles at work with fear, the day you will uphold the tenets of the humanity despite you yourself being pained by human sufferings that day you shall enter my heart and be healed with the Holy Spirit!
In my heart you shall find the eternal dwelling of peace and happiness and your existence will be blessed by the Lord and installed on the path of sacred footsteps on an inspirational journey seeking the lighted pillar of truth embodied by your Holy Father.
Depend on the Lord!