Thursday's Leadership Insight: Taking Care of Yourself as the Leader Serves Everyone
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This month and all year, leaders are responsible for doing
their best to enhance the mental health of those they lead. This is true of all the dimensions of health. Leadership is building people up and getting things done. The data generated by Gallup and McKinsey underscore the need to focus on the mental health and overall well-being of followers in any organization. This is the primary responsibility of any leader in any organization. That reportability starts with the leader and their commitment to self-care
It is often said in the medical profession, "Dr. heal thyself."This is true for all medical professionals entrusted with caring for their patients. The same is true for all first responders, as well as our armed services and educational professionals. Leaders must first lead themselves. Organizations' leaders must grow and enhance their leadership practice from the inside -out. Leaders have a responsibility to practice self-care to lead their teams.
Self-care is a core leadership skill because taking care of yourself is critical to one's leadership of others. Tim Novak, a Maxwell Leadership Faculty Member, stated succinctly in a recent Maxwell corporate facilitators presentation, "Who you are is more important than what you do ." In his just-released book High Road Leadership, John Maxwell notes that principal leaders must have twelve tenants as a guide to become a high road. Many, if not all, of these principles incorporate a leader's intentional use of self-care to best serve those they lead. Leadership relationships are affected by how well a leader leads themselves first; self-care is the foundation of a leader's core. One leader said to me, "I know it is important to take care of myself because if my tank runs dry, how can I give to others." a leader can only give what that have to give and be a model of intentional self-care is an essential part of what they have to share. In a recent Building Champions Blog Written By?Cara O'Halloran How You Play a Role in Your Team's Health Why Self-Leadership Precedes Team Effectiveness She wrote, "… at Building Champions, we say that self-leadership precedes team effectiveness—because to lead yourself well, you must be aware of how your inner thoughts drive your outer behaviors…. As a member of a team, you play a unique role. Not only do you have a certain set of tasks to accomplish, but you also influence your team's culture. We all impact one another—whether we realize it or not. So, when you're leading yourself well, and those you work with are doing the same, They report self being as well-being to include four key areas: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. They also note that enhancing well-being will affect how you (leaders ) show up at work and home. It is interesting that despite the research indicators, some leadership myths impede leaders from practicing intentional self-care
This Thursday's leadership insights share what makes leadership self-care crucial, the myths that impede leaders from practicing an intentional self-care plan, the benefits of self-care, and seven strategies leaders can implement in their leadership practice.
Self-care for leaders is an essential investment in their leadership practice in many ways. A report published in the National Library of Medicine: Does Self-Care Make You a Better Leader? A Multisource Study Linking Leader Self-Care to Health-Oriented Leadership, Employee Self-Care, and Health
noted, "Leadership plays an important role in employee well-being practices, and self-care enhances productivity, longevity, and effectiveness. The study results report that a practice of leadership self-care, when intentionally modeled and implemented, leads to great overall leader and employee well-being. When intentionally practiced, leadership self-care allows them to model healthy behaviors for their team, such as coping with stress, increasing emotional intelligence, and valuing personal health and well-being. The study further noted that multidimensional self-care is crucial for better leadership as it helps leaders think more clearly, recognize their priorities, and feel their best, leading to increased resilience and a better mindset.?Prioritizing self-care is vital for leaders to make better decisions, feel happier, and set a positive example for their teams. Dan Schwbel, in a LinkedIn 6 Reasons Why Leaders Should Prioritize Self-Care, writes, "Self-care" is one of those phrases that are on everyone's lips these days, but the concept isn't well understood. It's not selfish or self-centered to prioritize your well-being. Self-care is also not a luxury. When you care for yourself, you feel positive, can do your job, and help others on the team feel better. Think of self-care as showing others you respect them enough to show up to work with your best face forward." In a recent article by Forbes Why Multidimensional Self-Care Is Essential To Better Leadership, Jacqueline Ashley writes, "Let's be clear on what self-care is and what it's not. Self-care is not selfish but a necessary lifestyle practice for good health. Self-care isn't just something you do to recover from illness or crisis but is also preventive and proactive. It's a way to value and love yourself and demonstrate to others that you care to show up at your best for them, personally and professionally. Consistent self-care practice sustains our energy and motivation to keep moving through life successfully, and it is a tool of resilience to help us through the hard times." These studies and insights collectively suggest that self-care is beneficial for leaders' personal well-being and has a positive impact on their leadership skills and the well-being of their employees. By prioritizing self-care, leaders can model healthy behaviors, increase emotional intelligence, and create a positive impact on their teams and organizations
Palena Neale, in a Harvard Business Review article "Serious" Leaders Need Self-Care, Too, writes, "The benefits of self-care are?well known. Yet when I work with my leadership clients, I often get major pushback around the whole idea. Why are many leaders so resistant to taking time for themselves? It usually boils down to misperceptions about what good leadership is. Myths about leadership and social stigmas impede a leader's development of an intentional self-care plan. These ?challenges and leadership myths that impede ?prioritizing an intentional practice of self-care include:
1. Perception of Self-Care as a Luxury: Many leaders view self-care as an optional luxury rather than a necessary investment in productivity, longevity, and effectiveness.
2. Perception of Weakness: Some leaders may believe that prioritizing self-care is a sign of weakness rather than recognizing it as a strategic advantage for their leadership and well-being.
3. Lack of Making Time: Busy schedules and heavy workloads can make it difficult for leaders to find time for self-care, leading them to pay attention to their own well-being. This can also come from not making time to think and reflect. Or even a quick walk
4. Difficulty in Setting Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries with work and personal life can challenge leaders, making it hard to prioritize self-care. This fits into the leader always available 24-7 myth.
5. Resistance to Change: Leaders may resist incorporating self-care practices into their daily routines, especially if they are unfamiliar with the benefits or do not see the value in prioritizing their well-being.A leader who developed watching "superperson "leaders can fall into the trap of busy = accomplishment and being the "Answer" person.
6 Prioritizing Others Over Themselves: Leaders often put the needs of their team and organization first, neglecting their own needs and well-being in the process.
7. Stigma Around Mental Health: Unfortunately, there may still be a stigma around mental health and self-care in some workplaces, making it difficult for leaders to openly discuss and prioritize their well-being.
8. Prioritizing ?Work and Personal Life: Leaders may struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, leading to burnout and neglect of their self-care.
?By recognizing these challenges, leaders can begin to address them and prioritize self-care as an intentional plan, leading to improved leadership, productivity, and overall well-being.
7 Strategies for Leaders to Enhance Self-Care
1. Create a Morning Routine: Starting the day with a positive attitude and feeling in control through activities like exercise, reading, or meditation.
2. Practice Gratitude: Focusing on what one is thankful for to increase happiness and resilience. Practice nonwork conversations during a walk around to say hi.
3. Value Yourself: Being self-compassionate, recognizing one's worth, and treating oneself with kindness.
4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Establish realistic expectations and learn to say no to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
5. Take Breaks: Regularly taking time off to rest and recharge, reducing the risk of burnout.
6. Model Self-Care for Others: Openly discuss and demonstrate the importance of self-care in encouraging a culture of well-being within the organization.
7. Add value to those you serve by implementing an intentional self-care model for your organization's culture. Demonstrate your follower's importance to the organization by committing to resources and time for self-care and participation. Practice, as Jeff Henderson suggests ?in his? book Know What You're For: A Growth Strategy for Work, an Even Better Strategy for Life, starting conversations with followers by asking, "How are you doing before asking what are you doing?"
In conclusion, self-care is not a luxury for leaders but is necessary to maintain effectiveness, productivity, and overall well-being. By prioritizing self-care, leaders can positively impact themselves, their teams, and their organizations, leading more resilient cultures. A leader who intentionally practices self-care for themselves and models and implements self-care those they lead will develop productive teams. These teams, as Simon Sinek observes, " are not a group of people who work together . They are a group of people? who trust each other . "this comes about by a leader using self-care and developing a culture of self-care Sinek further states that the leaders who get the most out of their people are "the leaders who care most about their people." Leadership is hard; self-care provides a model for leaders to care for themselves and others. A leader's choice to practice self-care will show in caring for others and allow them to develop a culture of self-care for those they lead in the organization and the other groups that live and serve.
The leadership question for you, then, is
1. What is self-care in your leadership practice?
2. What strategies do you need to add for yourself?
3. What strategies can you implement for those you lead to add self-care to your organization?