Thursday April 18, 2024

Thursday April 18, 2024

Action Alert!

TAKE ACTION! Support MIRA’s Budget Priorities! Since last week’s release of the FY25 budget, state legislators have proposed hundreds of amendments to ensure adequate support for essential programs and services. MIRA Coalition is advocating for 4 budget amendments that empower new immigrants to exit the state shelter system and gain the employment skills they need to become self-sufficient, including critical funding for Year 2 of MIRA’s Immigrant Assistance Service program.?We need YOUR help! Ask your Massachusetts state representative to cosponsor these amendments today! ?Write to your State Representative here!

Empowering Massachusetts' Linguistic Diversity

As we celebrate Language Access Month, it's imperative to recognize and champion the linguistic diversity that enriches our communities. In Massachusetts, a state renowned for its cultural tapestry, language is not just a means of communication but a bridge that connects us across borders and backgrounds. With approximately 1.2 million foreign-born residents, constituting over 17% of the state's population, Massachusetts stands as a beacon of linguistic diversity where every language finds its voice.

In partnership with Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts and members of the MassSpeaks coalition, MIRA Coalition is spearheading efforts to enact the Language Access and Inclusion Act, state legislation that would establish enforceable language access standards across our Commonweath’s public-facing state agencies.

One of the primary objectives of our advocacy is to uphold the principles enshrined in Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act, which mandates that state agencies that receive federal funding must accommodate limited English proficient (LEP) individuals to ensure their meaningful participation in critical services such as education, legal aid, healthcare, and mental health support. In a state like ours, these initiatives are imperative for fostering inclusivity and equity.

The statistics speak volumes: In Massachusetts, 1 in 4 state residents speak a ?primary language other than English—above the national average of 21.6%. As we learned during the pandemic, language access isn't merely a matter of convenience but a fundamental human right. It's about empowering individuals to access vital information and services, fully engage with their communities, and exercise agency in shaping their lives.

Moreover, language access isn't confined to bureaucratic measures; it's about fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. It's about recognizing that language barriers can often intersect with other forms of marginalization, exacerbating inequalities. By ensuring linguistic inclusivity, we pave the way for a more just and compassionate society where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

As we commemorate Language Access Month, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a Massachusetts where diversity is celebrated, and every resident, regardless of their linguistic background, can thrive. Let us embrace the richness of our linguistic mosaic and work tirelessly to dismantle barriers that hinder access to opportunity and justice. Together, let us create a future where language is not a barrier but a bridge that unites us all. Find out more!

Join the MassSpeaks Coalition!?You can connect right here

Language Access Events to check out:

Register here

Register here

Celebrate National Volunteer Month

April is many things – including National Volunteer Month! MIRA, like most non-profit organizations, relies on and deeply appreciates the work of our volunteers. Volunteer effort is the driving force behind all grassroots activism, and as anyone who does it can tell you, the reward inherent in service tends to be much greater than the cost.

As a public librarian in several immigrant-rich communities, I found I loved connecting with immigrants and I wanted to help protect immigrants' rights. I appreciate how well organized and effective MIRA's volunteer activities are, and I always enjoy working with their terrific staff and with their clients.” Mary W.

This month we celebrate the volunteers of MIRA as well as all the volunteers everywhere who step up and generously give their time and energy towards furthering meaningful change.

“Although I am no longer religious, my fundamental values were forged in a Christian religious context. ?I have long believed in the importance of tending to the needs of those "least of our brothers." ?And I also take to heart the quote in Leviticus: "Love the foreigners among you -- for you were once foreigners in the land of Egypt. I do a number of volunteer activities, but nothing provides the sheer delight of working with MIRA.” Edward D.

How you can get involved:

MIRA has multiple opportunities for volunteer work, depending on the need at the time. Here are some ways you can get involved with us:

Immigrant Assistance Services

Citizenship Clinic support

Voter Registration

Communications and event support

Find out more here

As a coalition, MIRA supports over 140 other organizations who also offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities! Take a look and see what’s available in your area:

MIRA Membership Organizations

Short on time but still want to make a difference? Become a MIRA Sustainer!

If you are an individual seeking to forge a closer relationship with MIRA, we encourage you to become a MIRA Sustainer by committing to a monthly donation. To become an individual Sustainer, just donate on this page!

Chag Sameach! Passover is April 22nd

Try these seder recipes

TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE! MIRA’S 28th Annual Celebration


Become a 2024 Sponsor!

Immigration Advocate Legal Helpline

More information here

Coming Up at MIRA

Want us to help you with your citizenship application??We are not in the office every day, but MIRA is still providing free application assistance by phone, video conferencing and email,?and in the office by appointment. To get started, call 617-350-5480, ext. 200 and?leave a message?(we will call you back!). You can also email?[email protected].

More information here

Sign up here

Join the #MassachusettsWelcomes Campaign!

This campaign is a pivotal step towards ensuring that every immigrant and refugee in Massachusetts feels seen and has access to the services and support they need to thrive. More info here

Want to participate?

Display a yard sign, bumper sticker, or wear a T-shirt or pin!

Find #MassachusettsWelcomes merchandise here

Join us in showing our support online through social media posts, video clips, and more!

Download the #MassachusettsWelcomes toolkit?here.

Guidance in recording your own #CourageToWelcome video here

And don’t forget to tag MIRA!

Local & National News

NY Times: Immigrants in Maine Are Filling a Labor Gap. It May Be a Prelude for the U.S. Read more

WBUR: Immigrants want faster permission to work. So do Mass leaders and businesses Read more

AP: Black immigrant rally in NYC raises awareness about racial, religious, and language inequities Read more

WGBH: Mass. residents point to immigration as a top concern, split on support of migrants in shelters Read more

WGBH: Why Massachusetts Needs Immigrants

Cultural Offerings: MIRA Staff Picks

For this week’s Staff Picks, MIRA celebrates Arab American Heritage with a focus on art and stories about the Arab American immigrant experience.

Find it on and support independent bookstores!

Short listen from WNYC:

In honor of National Arab American Heritage Month, Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a non-profit, nonpartisan, national civil rights advocacy organization, ticks through the long timeline of Arab-American immigration (and migration around the country), which shows the diversity of the community and where they landed throughout the country.

more information here

tickets here

Resources, Workshops & Events

We Are All America’s Refugee Leadership Development Program offers bi-monthly workshops for refugee and immigrant organizers in the United States, led by refugees themselves. These sessions focus on advocacy tactics, narrative shifting, and community building to advance pro-refugee/pro-immigrant policies at both state and national levels.

Register here

African Bridge Network (ABN) is excited to begin recruitment for the PAID 2024 Immigrant Professionals Fellowship!?This 3-month program places 40 immigrant professionals from different regions of the world in a paid fellowship in a?work environment with financial, healthcare, or research employers. Apply for ABN Fellowship by April 30, 2024!

more info here

Do you have an empty apartment and want a $4000 lease-signing bonus in addition to the rent??Join the Landlord Incentive Program! Help homeless individuals/families find a home. Receive: Signing bonuses Unit retention bonuses Cleaning fees Ongoing dedicated services for tenant. For more info,? contact [email protected] Learn about the Landlord Incentive Program?

Information in: Spanish here ?Portuguese here Arabic here

Get Involved

Scan QR code above or click on link

Apply Now! New American Integration Program

Apply here

link to Amazon Wishlist here

How can I help?

Resources for new arrival


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