Thursday 5-Article Heritage Brief
European Heritage Tribune
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1. Sinking City needs Bigger Lifebuoy
UNESCO recommends placing Venice on the endangered list, signaling challenges with mass tourism and climate change. It's a shock for some, but long-awaited for others. Read Jean's article about what this might mean.
2. Archaeologists Debunk Myth of Cultural Trafficking as World's Third Largest Illicit Trade
....they reckon the focus should move to real-world effects of looting instead of making financial comparisons. The Art Newspaper
3. Professor Lluis Bonet: ENCATC Award for Outstanding Contribution
A well-deserved winner, and why? EHT watched one of his fascinating lectures about cultural policy and 'breaking the fourth wall'. Check his lecture!
4. The complexity of post-colonial heritage and tourism: 'Where to draw the line?'
Grace Emely, European Heritage Youth Ambassador, delves into the complexities of an Indonesian village built by Dutch colonial rulers for a coal mine, now a UNESCO-listed site. Read her article on Heriland
5. Long-Lost Legendary Theater of Nero Finally Excavated in Central Rome
The emperor often took the stage himself. Audiences had no choice but to applaud, regardless of Nero's talent. Ancient Origins