Throwing The Gauntlet Of Creativity Down.
Often creativity comes up during a healing session as an insight that it would be useful for the person to pursue some type of creative endeavour.? Useful in the sense that if we are exercising our creative muscles, then that has a hugely positive impact on us as a whole functioning energetic system.
Our energy systems are intricately linked to the Universe, group consciousness, and 'out there' external to our physical bodies there is dynamic movement as well as stuck issues within it, just like us.? You just have to look at the wars going on to see that somewhere in our group psyche there is a lot that is need of attention.
So, how can We impact positively, ourselves and whats going on in humanity through creativity?
What does being creative mean?? Bringing something into existence that wasn't there before; allowing the words to flow, the brush to paint, the charcoal to draw, there are many many examples, and we can think about it a lot but it is in the DOING of it that the magic happens.
In doing we are flowing, albeit in a stuttering manner to start with perhaps.? I recall attending a life drawing session about five years ago.? I was on a mission to prove my theory was right, that my body didn't contain a creative bone in it, on one level, but on another I was curious.? What if I could access something?
It wasn't a class, it was a 'sitting' and there were proper artists situated in a circle surrounding a naked man who was lying on the floor. ? I cannot even put into words how uncomfortable I was when I arrived late and flustered.? I was welcomed and shown to my table. ? Artistes were deep in their work, concentrated and some seemingly lost in it.? A couple acknowledged me briefly with a head nod.? I popped my paper on the table with my drawing pencils, charcoal and eraser, sat down and thought "WHAT am I doing here?" Maisie (mind) was all over it and I doodled with my pencils, for approximately 20 minutes whilst the mind chatter played out until I was on the verge of leaving.? In that moment the challenge I had set myself saw an opening in charcoal.? It beckoned me and I got a grip of it and myself, flipped the negativity on its head and decided to go for it, partly I suspect because I just couldn't bear to get up and leave.? You could hear a pin drop in a charged atmosphere of pure focused concentration.
Having grasped the charcoal which immediately became my friend, I looked at the man, mentally broke him up into drawable sections and then drew, and actually started to enjoy it.? Four hours later and many pages the session drew to a close and I was pleased with what I had created.? I had managed to access something, and was really very pleased with a couple of my attempts. I have them framed and up on the wall in my office to remind myself that I wasn't right and that I am creative.? We all are. I know! Who would have thought. Maisie was wrong! I had unearthed a truth which for me was hugely impactful, and it was tough to walk into that arena. My nerves were on a par with the first time I was invited to speak, the only difference being that traversing the car park was easier, as I wasn't so impacted physiologically :)
Since then I have explored other activities writing being one of them, and even now when I resist because 'I can't think of anything to write about' I grab paper and pen and let if flow, and yes it stutters and? blocks but ultimately with persistence it flows.? Who knew too that you could watercolour paint a rock in a river scene using a credit card! It works, and simply opening a book on watercolour painting tips opened up another potential playground.
When I talk about creativity with clients, most of the time the response is, "but I am not creative", my initial response to which is "I am sorry but YOU most definitely are". Often they already have creative hobbies but have just neglected them and it's a nudge to get back to it.
Dialling in to our creativity requires intention and an opening.? If you consider tuning into a radio station you have to do exactly that and it's a little hit and miss, you can get the wrong one, or not at all (thinking old radios here), but you are grasping the dial, taking action to achieve a result.
Being open to trying new things and taking some action is the first step, and remembering that it is in the doing that magic happens.? Even if you are producing something that the mind is critical of, the DOING is impacting energetically and creating flow within, within You, within the Whole. ? In some way, putting You and your wellbeing first does help humanity, because you can't perturb, or disrupt an energy system without sending waves out to the Whole.? It's impossible.
My challenge this month?? Try a new creative endeavour or pick up one that has been gathering dust, and then check in with yourself and see how You are feeling.? Then, do it again and again.
?In a creative writing class some years ago we were given the task of describing a rose to a blind person.? You may like to have a go too, or perhaps a different flower. Message me to tell me what You did and how it made You feel.
In Heart and With Love, As Always, Julie