A massive "Thanks! to all you wonderful people congratulating me on my role. You rock!
I thought I would try an old-school wrap-up to see how it feels. I plan to publish part 3 in my setting goals series. Part?1?&?2, as a reminder.
Let me share a few tidbits of advice for people managers (and beyond, I suppose).
- Seasonal affective disorder?(SAD) can be especially tough in January/February/March (Northern Hemisphere). Do some extra check-ins with your teams and team members.
- Please ensure you have read Patrick Lencioni's book,?Death By Meeting, and are actively helping your people and teams manage their meetings. I read and reread this book frequently. It's easy to read and understand, with solid fundamentals.
- Tell an executive or senior leader they're doing a great job (if true, of course). "Complimenting up" isn't ass-kissing or?brown-nosing?if they actually did a great job,?and?you mean it. We are all human. #destigmatize
- I cracked open the?IDE?this week. My years of engineering experience came flooding back. In short order, I was refactoring code, integrating unit test harnesses, storing code in source control, creating merge requests from issues, and demonstrating my progress. A little rusty, but otherwise solid, IMHO. [ed. It's OK to scratch that itch sometimes. Let yourself revisit past passions, hobbies, or interests.]
- My family room is still a mess, but I got a few small things done. I put a lot of (unnecessary) pressure on myself to make "big" progress, so I still feel like I've not done enough. [ed. Continue to prioritize and reprioritize your time based on the latest information.]
- Sadly, my restoration work on a?Panasonic RQ-544?ended. I cleaned everything, rewired the power, installed a new belt, and the machine decided to eat a cassette tape. Not on my watch. #donate
- Room to Dream?by David Lynch and Kristine McKenna. Highly recommended. I've never read a biography like?Room to Dream. The chapters alternated between McKenna and Lynch -- one filled with traditional biographic details and stories, the other David's comments and insider information. I can't wait to go back and watch his films again.
- I drank a single can of Coke this week. I warned people first.
- People I met for the first time or reconnected with this week:
Alec Catsuros
Jason Kuebelbeck, JD
Randy Wurm
- This wrap-up was brought to you by?The Real Thing?by Faith No More. #floppyFish
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